Over the past decade, this grand event has witnessed the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" cooperation between China and Arab countries


At the foot of Helan Mountain, on the south side of the Yangtze River, a grand event arrived as scheduled. On September 21st, the 6th China Arab Countries Expo opened in Yinchuan, Ningxia. The China Arab Expo was first held in 2013 and has been held for ten years now. This year coincides with the tenth anniversary of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative. Over the past decade, this grand event has become an important platform for high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", witnessing the strong resilience and vitality of China Arab economic and trade development, the steady progress of practical cooperation between China and Arab countries, and the deepening of China Arab strategic partnership. I want to further open up the Chinese market "is particularly eye-catching at the Saudi Arabian Pavilion, the guest of honor of this year's China Arab Expo, in the international exhibition area with rich exotic charm. Coconut dates are one of the important export agricultural products in Arab countries. In front of the display cabinet displaying Saudi style dates, people occasionally come forward to inquire, and the cabinet manager Ahmad Al Abdi warmly invites people to "taste" first as soon as possible. He told reporters, "Last year this type of date was sold to Beijing, and this year it is also sold to Hong Kong. With the help of the China Arab Expo platform, I want to further open up the Chinese market." Saudi Arabia's Kasim Palma Date Company, which participated in the first exhibition, has 23 date orchards with an annual output of 80000 tons. Chairman Abdullah Ahebidi said, "China has a huge consumer market and great potential. I am attending this conference hoping to find partners and establish sales channels." In 2008, China and Saudi Arabia established strategic friendly relations. From China becoming Saudi Arabia's largest trading partner in 2013 to Saudi Arabia becoming China's first $100 billion trading partner in the Middle East in the past two years, from the Zhongsha Yanbu Refinery located in a small town in western Saudi Arabia to the Gulei Ethylene Petrochemical Project located in the Gulei Petrochemical Base in Fujian, from the construction of the 2.6 gigawatts photovoltaic power plant in Al Schubach to cooperation in 5G communication and lunar exploration... Under the leadership and promotion of the head of state's diplomacy, Cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia in various fields is advancing rapidly. At this Expo, China and Saudi Arabia will continue to deepen international cooperation, financial cooperation, energy cooperation, etc. in the park, and promote the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative and Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030" docking. We have established a high-level framework to promote exchanges and cooperation between Arab Chinese enterprises in the fields of economy, trade, investment, etc. This is a rare opportunity. Ten years of working together and striving forward.

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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