The film and television industry embraces new opportunities in AI


Not long ago, a China-Chic mini drama "Goddess Grocery Shop" with the concept of the metauniverse was broadcast on a video platform, telling a fantasy story about a modern girl who went through the game. Although this is not a 'blockbuster drama', one actor in the drama has attracted everyone's attention, which is the digital character 'Fruit'. Compared to previous digital figures, this time, "Guo Guo" completed her debut in film and television works. Without revealing her identity, it is even difficult for the audience to perceive her as a "non human" actor. In recent years, the wave of AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) is sweeping across various industries related to content production, including the film and television industry. The appearance of digital human "fruit" in film and television dramas is another achievement of artificial intelligence empowering the film and television industry, allowing people to glimpse the latest applications and expansion of artificial intelligence in the field of film and television. Is it difficult to distinguish between "AI actors" and real actors? In 1982, the Japanese anime "Super Time Fortress" was based on the character Minmei Lin and packaged to give birth to the world's first virtual singer. In the new century, anime virtual singers such as Hatsune Miku in Japan and Luo Tianyi in China have gradually come into people's view, and set off a new cultural trend among young people. With the innovation of technology, the exploration of digital human is no longer confined to the anime image, but is moving towards the hyper realistic human image. The "Fruit" in "Goddess Grocery" is a hyper realistic digital person generated using AI technology. She is a virtual actor who uses advanced AI technology to 'facelift' and looks like a real actor playing this role, "said Chen Hongwei, the chief producer of" Goddess Grocery Store ". Previously, hyper realistic digital humans were not uncommon in film and television works, but they were mostly generated through CG (computer animation), such as the characters in Avatar and the "resurrected" Paul Walker in Speed and Passion 7. So, what is the difference between previous digital people and hyper realistic digital people like "Guo Guo"? Chen Hongwei further introduced, "The biggest difference between these two is that in previous film and television works, digital humans mainly relied on the appearance of real actors and were analyzed, scanned, and modeled through CG technology. However," Guo Guo ", a super realistic digital human, has no real appearance support at all. Instead, it combines AI algorithms with CG technology to construct images through imagination and understanding, resulting in a brand new People who do not originally exist in the world In 2022, the Media Big Data Center of the State Key Laboratory of Media Convergence and Communication of Communication University of China released the Report on the Impact Index of China's Virtual Digital People, which shows that the current application of China's virtual digital people mainly includes three categories: identity type (such as real person virtual separation), service type (such as virtual employees), and performance type (such as virtual idols). Virtual actors are not among them, indicating that they are not widely used in the film and television industry. In 2022, virtual actor 202 was used in the TV drama "Twenty No Puzzles 2". As a super realistic digital character, 202 has a very similar appearance to a real person, but he is still a "virtual singer" in the drama. With technological iteration, the "Fruit" in "Goddess Grocery" has a specially customized character for it

Edit:XiaoWanNing    Responsible editor:YingLing

Source:People's Daily

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