Can I buy AI model "fitting" products that are real?


A compact face, flawless skin, perfect body shape ratio, the model complements the outfit, making the outfit more fitting and trendy... This is a product image that appears on a certain e-commerce platform. However, upon closer observation, it can be observed that the model trying on the clothing does not seem to be a real person. After sending a private message to the store owner, the other party readily admitted that the promotional image was created by AI, "in order to better showcase clothing details. The reporter of Legal Daily recently found that many businesses on multiple e-commerce platforms have used AI models to try on clothes to display their products. Not only that, but also on e-commerce platforms, some stores have begun to provide AI model image production services, such as "AI drawing model generation" and "dummy to human model exchange". Is the product effect presented through the "fitting" image of an AI model reliable, and will consumers buy it? Can AI models' fitting 'images be freely created and used, and what legal risks may they face? With these questions in mind, the reporter conducted an investigation and interview. The obvious differences in details may be suspected of falsely promoting the "fitting" promotional image of an AI model. The clothes fit perfectly on the model's body, with almost no wrinkles. However, is the actual object really like this? Recently, the reporter searched various e-commerce platforms using keywords such as "exquisite sets" and found that many promotional images of products were obvious AI model "fitting" images. The obvious characteristics of these AI models are their sharp curves, slender limbs, extremely delicate facial features with a comical feel, and a solid colored background that is mostly unrealized. For example, in a store on an e-commerce platform with a collection of 6000 people, the second highest rated item on the store's positive review list is a set with sales exceeding 450 pieces. The product image is presented by a cartoon avatar model with blonde hair and blue eyes, and both the set and model appear to be in soft focus in the photo (referring to the use of soft focus lenses or adding soft focus filters in front of the lens in photography to achieve a delicate and soft image effect), At first glance, it looks like a cartoon illustration. The image shows the four generated images provided by the "AI Drawing Generation Image" store after the reporter provided clothing images and keywords such as "curly haired girl", "cute", and "slim". Drawing/Reporter Li Xiaojun placed an order for this product, and upon receiving the goods, it was found that there was a significant difference between the received set and the promotional image: there was a color difference, an extra pleat appeared out of thin air, and the neck height did not match. What's even more speechless is that the clothes on the model's picture are shoulder dropped lantern sleeves, which are exactly above the elbow in length, while the sleeves of the actual clothes cover the elbow, and the cuffs cannot be tightened. The situation encountered by the reporter is not an exception. In a certain online store, a piece of clothing with an AI model as a promotional image and hundreds of items sold was filled with comments in the comment section: "Perhaps because of the AI image, it was very close to the body, but after receiving it, it became too fat." "The skirt was all pleated," and the color of the clothing was different from the one in the picture. On social media platforms, under the term "AI model", many netizens have clearly expressed their unwillingness to pay for AI models. Many netizens believe that using AI models to display clothes will increase the probability of online shopping being hit by lightning. Some netizens bluntly said, "We don't even allow real people to try it on. Is anyone really buying it?" "AI models don't match the head to body ratio of humans

Edit:XiaoWanNing    Responsible editor:YingLing

Source:Legal Daily

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