Former French Prime Minister Raffarin: France and China have chosen cooperation in the face of global changes


Former French Prime Minister Raffarin said in Paris on the 5th that the world is facing major changes and France and China have chosen the path of cooperation. At the 8th Sino French Brand Summit Forum held on the same day, Lafaran said that both France and China have an open cultural tradition and have always been committed to strengthening exchanges and cooperation with people from all countries. The relationship between France and China is historic, and in the face of global changes, bilateral relations have maintained a good momentum of development. In his speech, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye said that China and France should seize the opportunity to deepen practical cooperation with high-level exchanges, deepen political mutual trust with practical cooperation, promote the traditional friendly relations between China and France to a new level, and inject more stability, certainty and positive energy into the troubled world. This year's Sino French Brand Summit Forum was held on the Eiffel Tower, showcasing multiple model products of Chinese "national brands" on site, attracting nearly 100 Chinese and French attendees to stop and watch. The forum also features brand representative speeches, round table dialogues, and other segments. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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