The "Generation Z" youth of 11 countries set off again from Diqing, Yunnan, and embarked on a new journey of "portrait" in China


▲ The picture shows the group photo of "Generation Z" youth representatives from 11 countries at the Baima Snow Mountain Pass in Diqing. Li Jiaxian took the photo "These two days, my friends in Myanmar asked me where I went and why I was so beautiful when they saw my photos. They also wanted to come." Cai Yifan, a youth of "Generation Z" in Myanmar, said on the 3rd that although he had left Diqing, Yunnan, his heart seemed still there. From June 26 to 30, the "Generation Z China Portrait" online interactive activity was first held in Dêqên Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan. Young people from 11 countries, including China, Russia, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Bolivia, Cape Verde, the Republic of Mali and Malawi, not only experienced local Tibetan food, clothing, music and other traditional cultures, but also visited Pudacuo National Park, Tiger Leaping Gorge, Balaqzong Meili Snow Mountains and other natural scenic spots "paint" Diqing from the perspective of young people. When meeting Diqing for the first time, everything is new ▲ The picture shows that many "Generation Z" young people experience Tibetan clothing. Li Jiaxian photographed Diqing, which means "auspicious place" in Tibetan, and is the only Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Yunnan Province. On the first day of the "Generation Z" youth's arrival in Diqing, a rainbow appeared on the horizon of Shangri-La City, welcoming these friends from afar. Irina from Russia said happily that in Culture of Russia, if you come to a new place and see a rainbow, it means that many good things will happen next and you will meet many good people. And this rainbow has also become the most beautiful footnote of this trip. This is my first time coming to Diqing, which is very different from the Dehong and Kunming I have been to before, "Cai Yifan said. The brightly colored and layered Tibetan clothing has gained unanimous love from my friends, and everyone has put on their favorite Tibetan clothing. They have filmed popular" cross dressing "videos on social media and received many likes from netizens. ▲ The picture shows the "Generation Z" youth from many countries sitting on the ground and exchanging freely. Li Jiaxian took a photo of Chris from Bolivia, who was impressed with Tibetan Butter tea. "It was strange to drink it for the first time, but it was salty. Later, she gradually liked it. Now if I choose between coffee and Butter tea, I will choose Butter tea, "Why is it so cool to stand in a house?" "Where are tenon and mortise structures used?" "How long will it take to build a house like this?" While studying for a Master of Engineering's degree in civil engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University, he hopes to learn more about architecture and build new and solid houses for his hometown after returning home. Explore Diqing and enter the deepest part of Shangri La ▲ The picture shows "Generation Z" young people visiting traditional Tibetan houses. Many years ago, Balagzong was nowhere to be found on the map, and it took a whole 5 days to walk from Balacun to the county seat, "said Liu Ranyang." Today, you can come in by car and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Shangri La Grand Canyon. I hope you like my hometown and let more people around the world know about it. "Sna Dingzhu told the story of his 10 year old injury and blindness, At the age of 13, going out to work, at the age of 40, carrying millions of dollars

Edit:XiaoWanNing    Responsible editor:YingLing

Source:China News Network

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