Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China's "Blue Helmets" have become a key force for the United Nations to maintain peace


May 29th is the 21st International Day of Peacekeepers. During a regular press conference on the 30th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated that over the past 30 years, China has sent over 50000 peacekeeping personnel to over 20 countries and regions to participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations, and China's "blue helmet" has become a key force in maintaining peace at the United Nations. United Nations peacekeeping operations are an important means of promoting international peace and security, "Mao Ning said. Over the past 70 years, the United Nations has carried out more than 70 peacekeeping operations, with over a million staff gathered under the United Nations flag, making outstanding contributions to maintaining and restoring regional peace and assisting in resolving regional conflicts. The Blue Helmets have become a symbol of peace and hope, and have been widely praised by the international community. Mao Ning said that China sent military observers to the United Nations in 1990, marking the beginning of its participation in UN peacekeeping operations. In 1992, China sent its first formed blue helmet troops to participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations. Over the past 30 years, China has sent over 50000 peacekeeping personnel to participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations in more than 20 countries and regions, with 25 peacekeeping personnel sacrificing their precious lives. At present, China is the second largest contributor to United Nations peacekeeping and the largest contributor among permanent members of the Security Council. More than 2200 Chinese officers and soldiers are performing missions in eight peacekeeping mission areas, and China's' blue helmet 'has become a key force for the United Nations to maintain peace, "Mao Ning said. Mao Ning stated that the current complex and severe international security situation further highlights the role and significance of United Nations peacekeeping operations. China will continue to work closely with the international community to promote the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of United Nations peacekeeping operations, and play a greater role in maintaining international peace and security. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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