Opening of the South American Leaders' Conference: Brazilian President Calls for the Revitalization of Regional Integration Mechanisms


The one day South American leaders' meeting opened in the Brazilian capital Brasilia on the 30th, and Brazilian President Lula called for the reactivation of regional integration mechanisms in his speech. Lula said that the task of regional integration in South America is urgent, and South American countries are determined to redefine their common vision and restart actions related to sustainable development, peace, and people's well-being. He called for the establishment of a strong, confident, and politically organized South America, and suggested the establishment of a forum for leaders of South American countries to discuss and guide their actions smoothly and regularly, and to strengthen multifaceted integration. Lula proposed a broad cooperation plan, including creating a regional common currency that can be used for trade payments to reduce dependence on foreign currencies, coordinating the actions of development banks to promote regional development, and establishing high-level political discussion mechanisms. In addition, he emphasized the need to restore cooperation among South American countries in the field of defense, improve relevant training and educational capabilities, and strengthen the exchange of experience and knowledge in military industry and defense policies. The South American Leaders' Meeting was initiated by the Lula Initiative, and leaders from 12 countries in South America, except Peru, were invited to attend. The Chairman (Prime Minister) of the Peruvian Council of Ministers, Otarola, attended the meeting. Brazilian Foreign Ministry officials stated that this meeting will jointly discuss the creation or restructuring of a new mechanism for dialogue and cooperation among South American countries, discuss important common issues in the region, promote the formation of a common response to global affairs, and promote the process of regional integration. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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