Digital Intelligence Empowers Economy, New Business Form, Intelligent Industry "Rising to the Sun"


In recent years, there have been continuous technological breakthroughs and innovative achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, including AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content), intelligent connected vehicles, and artificial intelligence big models. At the 7th World Intelligence Conference in 2023, artificial intelligence products showcased their skills in fields such as autonomous driving and smart cities, becoming an important driving force for promoting industrial optimization and upgrading, and improving people's quality of life. Several attendees stated that the current global development of artificial intelligence has entered a new round of leaps and bounds, and artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in driving a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, with huge potential for innovative development. The use of digital innovation to promote the development of data productivity and cultivate emerging industries that can become new economic growth points is an important factor for the artificial intelligence industry to achieve a historic leap. The acceleration of 5G drives the new development of intelligent manufacturing. As a fundamental technology that affects various industries, the interaction and integration between 5G and AI is the trend of technological development. The combination of 5G and AI with edge clouds will drive enterprise innovation in a new way, "said experts attending the meeting. Meng Pu, Chairman of Qualcomm China, believes that 5G has the characteristics of high speed, high reliability, and low latency, which can achieve massive connectivity. It is based on these characteristics that AI has achieved rapid development and migrated to terminals, making it possible for many application scenarios such as autonomous driving, VR, AR glasses, and robot humans. As a key technology in the digital economy, AI is becoming a new engine for high-quality development in various industries. Industry experts have introduced that the demand for intelligent personalized experiences driven by AI is constantly increasing. 5G will support the generation of scenario rich data on these edge sides, and can be shared in real-time with other terminals and clouds, thereby creating a new application service environment and enhancing the audience's experience. As of now, 5G has achieved many technological breakthroughs, such as large bandwidth, low latency, high reliability, and massive IoT connections. The above experts stated that there are differences in the implementation speed of these technologies, such as consumers' perception of large bandwidth may not be strong, as 5G has not yet fully unleashed its potential. Meng Pu stated that the development of 5G is not achieved overnight, and there is still room for continuous progress. The formulation of relevant standards is also underway, and a new round of innovation has begun. In the future, 5G will be applied to a wider range of industries. Intelligent connected vehicles make intelligent transportation within reach. In recent years, in the context of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, intelligent connected vehicles have gathered resources and forces from various industries and fields such as automobiles, information communication, artificial intelligence, and big data, and are gradually deepening their development. As the country with the highest number of new energy vehicles, China has a good foundation for developing intelligent connected vehicles. "Experts attending the meeting stated that with the support of policy guidance and technological progress, intelligent connected vehicles, as an important carrier of integration and innovation between automobiles and multiple fields such as information communication, artificial intelligence, big data, energy, and transportation, are promoting the comprehensive reshaping of the automotive industry ecology from several dimensions such as road and cloud network maps, Further driving the coordinated development of smart energy, smart transportation, and smart cities, intelligent connected vehicles have become the transformation and upgrading of the automotive industry

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