Enable the engine of industry to generate greater and stronger kinetic energy


Recently, the GDP of the top ten cities in China was released in the first quarter, marking a fierce competition for city rankings. From the growth rate data, Shenzhen leads with a growth rate of 6.5%. Overall, except for Guangzhou and Suzhou, the other eight cities have a growth rate of over 3%. In this set of data, the acceleration of industrial recovery in various regions is the main highlight. In the first quarter of this year, various provinces demonstrated their economic prowess through the process of "competing for the economy". Economic work conferences were held in provinces such as Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, and Zhejiang, among which consolidating the traditional advantages of the manufacturing industry and strengthening transformation and upgrading were repeatedly mentioned in the conferences. At the same time, various regions have also launched practical measures, such as Shandong Province launching a series of projects for the transformation and upgrading of digital empowerment industries; Jiangsu Province has arranged the first batch of special funds for industrial and information industry transformation and upgrading; Hunan Province vigorously carries out the "Intelligent Empowerment of Ten Thousand Enterprises" initiative. The acceleration of transformation and upgrading will continuously increase the supply of emerging products, lead and create new demand, and further stimulate economic development vitality. At present, the driving effect of high-end technology manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, and new energy is becoming increasingly evident. Data shows that in the first quarter, China Exim Bank invested 300 billion yuan in manufacturing loans, mainly focusing on pillar industries of the national economy such as automobile manufacturing, construction machinery, and non-ferrous metals. It supports the high-end, intelligent, and green upgrading and transformation of backbone enterprises, and the "specialized, refined, and innovative" innovation index has also grown at an ideal rate compared to the previous month. These "top tier" real economies are constantly improving their development confidence Expand external momentum and unleash development vitality. The benefits brought by industrial transformation and upgrading are to greatly unleash the potential of consumer demand and better stimulate the vitality of private investment. Expanding effective investment is precisely an important measure to promote the stable growth of domestic demand. Currently, using various policy tools to accelerate the planning of major engineering projects and the construction of major projects in various regions is beneficial for increasing investment and expanding domestic demand. In the first quarter of this year, a number in the segmented fields was quite impressive. In March, the average operating rate of excavators reached 69.35%. It is worth noting that the operation of excavators is a signal of the start of engineering projects. The sharp increase in operating rate of excavators means that from transportation, energy, water conservancy, to 5G base stations and big data centers, major projects are being systematically promoted across the country, causing infrastructure construction to enter a "frenzy" mode in the first quarter. High tech and high-end manufacturing industries, the upgraded high-end part of export products, "specialty, specialty, novelty", etc. belong to the "national plan" level of economic development. The steady recovery of high-value fields represented by them has led international institutions to continuously raise China's economic growth expectations this year, compared with the 5% or so of China's economic growth this year proposed in China's Report on the Work of the Government, International institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have generally raised China's economic growth expectations to over 5.2%, which has greatly boosted the confidence of the entire society. Of course, to maintain long-term economic growth, further efforts are needed in various fields. In terms of industrial manufacturing, it is necessary to vigorously transform and enhance traditional industries, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, promote a higher level of dynamic balance between supply and demand, and promote the healthy development of industry. We have the manufacturing industry with the most complete range of industries and the most complete industrial system in the world, which is even more complete

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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