China hopes to take substantive steps towards a political solution to the Yemen issue as soon as possible


On the 17th, Chinese Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, stated in a speech at the Security Council's open meeting on the Yemen issue that China hopes that all parties in Yemen will take substantive steps towards a political solution to the Yemen issue as soon as possible. Geng Shuang said that the current political process in Yemen has maintained a good momentum, and relevant parties have maintained communication on resuming a ceasefire. Countries in Saudi Arabia, Oman and other regions have made active efforts to ease the situation in Yemen and achieve a permanent ceasefire. China welcomes this and also appreciates the efforts of the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, Glenn de Berry, in promoting peace talks. China hopes that all parties in Yemen prioritize the interests of the people, make political decisions, adhere to mutual action, promote visible progress in the political process in Yemen as soon as possible, and end the suffering of the Yemeni people as soon as possible. Geng Shuang pointed out that the security situation in Yemen has been tightening recently. China calls on all parties to the conflict, especially the Hussein organization, to maintain calm and restraint, avoid provocative actions that undermine mutual trust and create tension, avoid further deterioration of the security situation, and provide good conditions for a political solution to the Yemen issue. Geng Shuang said that on the 6th of this month, the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Iran met in Beijing and announced the resumption of diplomatic relations from now on. He expressed his willingness to take new steps on the path of easing relations in accordance with the results of the Saudi Arabia Beijing dialogue in early March. This is of great significance for strengthening regional unity and cooperation, alleviating regional tensions, setting a good example for dialogue and consultation to resolve conflicts, and providing exciting practices for promoting global security initiatives. This also fully demonstrates that seeking peace and development is the aspiration and trend of the people in the Middle East region. China hopes that all parties in Yemen will follow the regional trend, respond to the voices of the people, seize favorable opportunities, make greater efforts, and strive to take substantive steps towards a political solution to the Yemen issue as soon as possible. As a good friend and partner of regional countries, China is willing to continue to make efforts to promote regional peace and stability and achieve lasting peace in Yemen. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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