Brazilian President Lula highly praised Brazil China relations and BRICS cooperation


The foundation of cooperation between Brazil and China is solid, and the relationship between the two countries is extraordinary. China plays a very important role in global development and peace, and I will strive to promote the comprehensive strategic partnership between Brazil and China in my future term. Brazilian President Lula highly praised Brazil China relations and BRICS cooperation on the 13th. He quoted a Brazilian proverb: "Friendship is like wine, the longer it lasts, the better it tastes." On that day, Lula, who was on a state visit to China, arrived at the headquarters of the New Development Bank in Pudong, Shanghai to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new president of the Bank and former President of Brazil, Ms. Rousseff. Lula highly values BRICS cooperation and has high hopes for the development prospects of the New Development Bank. He stated that the New Development Bank was the first multilateral development bank established solely by emerging countries, representing their ability to make changes to the world, that is, to establish a more sustainable world that reduces poverty, reduces inequality. This is completely different from the 'traditional banks' led by developed countries.' The New Development Bank is a multilateral development bank jointly established by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in 2015, with the aim of providing investment and financing for infrastructure construction and sustainable development projects in BRICS countries, other emerging economies, and developing countries, promoting global growth and development. Since its establishment, the New Development Bank has approved a total of 98 projects in member countries, with a total investment of approximately 33.2 billion US dollars. For a long time, developing countries have had a dream of creating their own investment and financing tools. The New Development Bank is the realization of such a dream, which truly knows what developing countries need and in which areas they need to invest. Lula said that the New Development Bank, which has settled in China, has the conditions to become one of the largest banks in southern countries, There is great potential in working to improve the current situation in developing countries. After mutual agreement, Lula will pay a state visit to China from April 12th to 15th. On the evening of the 12th, Lula and his delegation arrived in Shanghai. On the 13th, Lula and his delegation also visited Huawei's Shanghai Research Institute and met with representatives of relevant Chinese enterprises. That evening, Lula left Shanghai for Beijing to continue his trip to China. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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