The "2022 Statistical Bulletin of National Economic and Social Development of Guangdong Province" was released, and the contribution rate of the secondary industry to the economy exceeded 50% last year


On March 31, the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics and the Guangdong Survey Corps of the National Bureau of Statistics jointly issued the "2022 Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development of Guangdong Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Statistical Bulletin"). According to data, in 2022, the total economic volume of our province approached the 13 trillion mark, and last year, it ended at a growth rate of 1.9%. In the past year, the secondary industry in our province has grown by 2.5%, contributing 52.9% to the growth of regional GDP, which is an increase from the contribution rate in 2021. The total industrial added value for the year increased by 2.6% over the previous year. The added value of industries above designated size increased by 1.6%, with the added value of high-tech manufacturing accounting for 29.9% of the added value of industries above designated size; The proportion of added value of advanced manufacturing industry reached 55.1%. The economic operation analysis released by the Provincial Bureau of Statistics pointed out that in the past year, our province has effectively responded to the impact of unexpected factors, continued to promote a package of economic stabilization policies and follow-up measures, and quickly implemented and took effect. The economy has recovered from fluctuations throughout the year. The income gap between urban and rural residents has further narrowed. On the whole, in 2022, the supply side of our province will be basically stable, the structure of fixed assets investment will be optimized, the overall market sales will be stable, and the total import and export volume will achieve a small increase; In addition, livelihood security has been continuously strengthened, and the quality of economic development has been further improved. According to the results of unified regional GDP accounting, in 2022, Guangdong achieved a regional GDP (preliminary accounting) of 12911.858 billion yuan, an increase of 1.9% over the previous year. The per capita GDP was 101905 yuan (converted to US $15151 at the annual average exchange rate), an increase of 1.7%. From a regional perspective, the GDP of the core region of the Pearl River Delta accounts for 81.1% of the province, while the eastern, western, and northern ecological development zones account for 6.1%, 7.1%, and 5.7%, respectively. The GDP of the core region, east wing, west wing, and northern ecological development zone of the Pearl River Delta increased by 2.1%, 0.6%, 0.8%, and 0.9% respectively compared to the previous year. In 2022, the per capita disposable income of the entire province's residents was 47065 yuan, an increase of 4.6% over the previous year. While per capita disposable income has increased, the income gap between urban and rural residents has been further narrowed. In terms of urban and rural areas, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 56905 yuan, an increase of 3.7%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 23598 yuan, an increase of 5.8%. The income ratio of urban and rural residents was 2.41:1, further decreasing from 2.46:1 last year. In terms of stable employment, in 2022, the employment of the whole province will withstand the impact of the COVID-19 and the number of college graduates repeatedly creating new high factors, and maintain basic stability. By the end of December 2022, a total of 1320600 new jobs had been created in cities and towns across the province, and 1051000 people with employment difficulties had been employed. The investment in manufacturing industry has maintained double-digit growth for two consecutive years. According to the Statistical Bulletin, in 2022, Guangdong's industrial investment will grow by 10.3%, accounting for 27.9% of fixed assets investment. This will lay a good foundation for Guangdong industrial enterprises to continue to expand production capacity, transform and upgrade to achieve high-quality development. Among them, advanced manufacturing industry and high-tech system

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