Reported by Xinhua News Agency | Tea fragrance continues to grow and friendship between China and Japan is strengthened --


In the spring when everything is recovering and the sun is warm, what will be the experience of tasting a bowl of tea? In order to promote the personnel and cultural exchanges between China and Japan and deepen the friendship between the two countries, the "Japanese Tea Ceremony Lecture and Experience" event hosted by the Japanese Consulate General in Guangzhou was successfully held in Guangzhou Garden Building on March 2. The event invited foreign teachers from the Japanese Language and Culture College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, thousands of associate professors in the Japanese tea ceremony, and the headquarter appointed the Guangzhou resident lecturer, Zhengong Nomura, as the keynote speaker. Tea is an ancient drink in the East. In its long development, it is no longer just a drink, but also a way to cultivate one's character and shoulder the heavy responsibility of social and cultural exchanges. The Japanese tea ceremony is developed on the basis of "daily tea and rice". It integrates daily life behavior with religion, philosophy, ethics and aesthetics, and becomes a comprehensive cultural and artistic activity. It is not only material enjoyment, but also through tea parties, people learn tea etiquette, cultivate temperament, cultivate aesthetic and moral concepts, which is similar to traditional Chinese tea culture. (Consul General Kamei delivered a speech) At the beginning of the event, the Consul General of Japan in Guangzhou, Kamei, welcomed the arrival of the guests. Consul General Kamei described the event as "one phase and one session". It is understood that "one period and one session" is the Japanese tea ceremony language, reminding people to cherish opportunities and take seriously everyone they meet in life. He said that this gathering is rare. He hoped that through this opportunity, we can taste the authentic Japanese tea ceremony culture and add another highlight to the cultural exchange between China and Japan. (Teacher Nomura introduced Japanese tea ceremony etiquette for everyone) At the scene, guests listened to Teacher Nomura's introduction to Japanese tea ceremony etiquette culture, personally participated in the production of Matcha and tasted authentic Japanese Matcha. During the period, the guests raised questions from time to time to discuss the differences between Chinese and Japanese tea culture with Teacher Nomura, and deeply understand the development of tea culture in East Asia. After the event, guests said that through this type of experience activities, we can further understand Japanese culture and promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and Japan. The tea ceremony culture, which was born in China, spread to Japan in the South Song Dynasty. After long-term development, absorption and integration of its own culture, it formed a unique Japanese tea ceremony culture. Culture is constantly evolving in such exchanges. This year coincides with the 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty. With the COVID-19 leveling off, Consul General Kamei said that in the future, the Japanese Consulate General in Guangzhou will hold more offline experience activities to promote cultural exchanges between the two countries. I believe that bilateral relations will also move towards a brighter future in communication and understanding. (Teacher Nomura explains the tea hanging for everyone)

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:WeiZe

Source:Outlook New Era

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