President Lukashenko of Belarus: "My exchanges with China are full of warm and beautiful memories"


"In retrospect, my contacts with China for decades have been full of warm and beautiful memories," said Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus who will visit China recently, in an exclusive interview with reporters from the Xinhua News Agency in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. 2023 marks the 31st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Belarus. Over the past 30 years, bilateral relations have been continuously upgraded and all-round cooperation has been steadily promoted. The relations between China and Belarus have reached the best level in history. Lukashenko is full of expectations for his upcoming visit to China. He said that his first visit to China as President of Belarus was more than 20 years ago. Before that, he had visited China as a member of parliament and visited special economic zones. He said that China at that time had not reached today's level of development. "It is not easy to feed and clothe everyone in the huge population while strengthening the national strength. But China is determined to achieve all this," Lukashenko recalled. Lukashenko said that after visiting China, he believed that China would achieve great development, so he should learn from China's development experience. Lukashenko said that Belarus cannot develop without learning from China's experience. "On our first visit to China, we studied the experience of China's special economic zones. Later, we learned from China's experience to establish several free economic zones, including the China Belarus Industrial Park." The China Belarus Industrial Park is the largest investment attraction project in Belarus, and it is also a "the Belt and Road" cooperation project promoted by the heads of state of China and Belarus and highly valued by the two governments. Since the heads of state of the two countries visited the China-Balak Industrial Park in May 2015, the development and construction of the industrial park has been rapidly promoted and new achievements have been made. According to the data of the National Statistical Commission of Belarus, in 2022, the net profit of enterprises in the China-Belarus Industrial Park reached 34.1 million Belarusian rubles (about 13.51 million US dollars), an increase of 1.4 times year-on-year. Reviewing the development of the China Belarus Industrial Park in recent years, Lukashenko said that despite the adverse impact of the COVID-19 and various crises and chaos, the China Belarus Industrial Park continued to develop, with 19 enterprises settling in last year alone. According to the latest statistics, as of February 22 this year, there were 107 enterprises in the Zhongbai Industrial Park, of which 7 were newly added since the beginning of this year. 2023 is to jointly build the "Belt and One"

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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