Improve core competitiveness and enhance core functions A new round of state-owned enterprise reform is imminent


On January 31, the videoconference on the summary of the three-year action of the national state-owned enterprise reform was held in Beijing. The meeting stressed that the reform of state-owned enterprises is always on the way. We should carefully study and understand the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Economic Work Conference, and continue to plan and promote the reform of state-owned enterprises around improving core competitiveness and enhancing core functions. In 2023, a new round of state-owned enterprise reform will start a new journey. Industry insiders believe that with a view to improving the core competitiveness of enterprises, market-oriented reforms such as the integration of central enterprises, mixed reform and listing will break the waves and further stimulate the new vitality of enterprises. The reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises has entered a new stage. "In 2023, we should highlight the key issues and overcome difficulties, and seize the opportunity to organize and carry out a new round of reform deepening and upgrading actions." Peng Huagang, Secretary-General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said recently. He pointed out that in 2023, we should consolidate the results of the three-year action to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, and plan a new round of action plan to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, focusing on improving core competitiveness and enhancing core functions. Efforts should be made to improve the modern corporate governance of state-owned enterprises with Chinese characteristics and truly operate according to the market-oriented mechanism. We will further deepen the classification reform, improve the definition of enterprise functions and classification guidance, and deepen the classification and assessment of public welfare businesses. Actively and steadily deepen the reform of mixed ownership by level and classification, and promote the coordinated development of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. "The reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises has entered a new stage centered on improving the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises." Li Jin, the chief researcher of the China Enterprise Research Institute, predicted that the standards of core competitiveness would be coordinated and decomposed in the future, and the process and systematic analysis would be carried out to achieve this goal, and the research deployment would be made. Zhou Liza, Research Director of the China Modern State-owned Enterprise Research Institute of Tsinghua University, believes that to improve the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, we should actively and steadily deepen the reform of mixed ownership by classification, and continue to improve the market-oriented management mechanism of state-owned enterprises; Further promote the optimization and structural adjustment of state-owned capital, with emphasis on strategic restructuring and professional integration; Strengthen scientific and technological innovation, open up new fields and new tracks, cultivate strategic emerging industries, and create a number of innovative state-owned enterprises. At the same time, benchmarking is world-class, focusing on the requirements of product excellence, brand excellence, innovation leadership and modern governance. It is an important part to improve the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises and promote the reform of mixed ownership. After the end of last year, Ansteel Group introduced eight strategic investors to "join" Ansteel Mining, the capital increase of Fulinmen Company under COFCO Group is also imminent. Zheng Zhigang, deputy chairman of the Academic Committee of Pangu Think Tank, believes that after the completion of the three-year action plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises, it is still necessary to adhere to the reform of mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises. The new round of state-owned enterprise reform characterized by mixed ownership does not generally emphasize the socialization of capital and the diversification of equity structure, but emphasizes the introduction of war investment in the background of private capital to realize the mixed ownership. The private background war investment introduced by the mixed reform is not only the key force to promote the transformation of state-owned enterprises' operating mechanism and an important element of state-owned enterprises' corporate governance norms, but also the key to release the vitality of private investment, boost market confidence, and relieve the downward pressure of the economy. With the further promotion of reform, the value remodeling of state-owned enterprises and central enterprises is expected. Institutional person

Edit:wangwenting    Responsible editor:xiaomai

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