Fan Zhongjie, former secretary of Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee of Guangdong Province, was expelled from the Party and public office for serious violation of discipline and law


According to the Southern Guangdong Qingfeng Network, a few days ago, with the approval of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision carried out a case review and investigation on Fan Zhongjie, the former secretary of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, for serious violations of discipline and law. After investigation, Fan Zhongjie lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the Party, colluded with others, transferred and concealed evidence, and opposed organizational review; Ignoring the spirit of the eight central regulations, accepting gifts and gifts in violation of regulations for a long time, giving gifts in violation of regulations, and entering and leaving private clubs in violation of regulations; Failing to report personal matters in accordance with the regulations, and failing to truthfully explain problems when organizing a conversation; Want to be an official and make money, and run businesses in violation of regulations; Without fear, they regard public power as a tool for personal gain, take advantage of their position to seek benefits for others in contracting engineering projects and bidding for land, and illegally accept huge amounts of property. Fan Zhongjie seriously violated the Party's political discipline, organizational discipline and integrity discipline, constituted a serious duty violation and was suspected of taking bribes, and did not stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which was of a serious nature and had a bad impact, and should be dealt with seriously. In accordance with the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Actions, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishments of Public Officials and other relevant provisions, Fan Zhongjie was decided to be expelled from the Party after being studied at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and reported to the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee for approval; The Guangdong Provincial Supervisory Commission shall give him the sanction of dismissal from public office; The suspected criminal issues shall be transferred to the procuratorial organ for examination and prosecution according to law, and the property involved shall be transferred together. Resume of Fan Zhongjie: Fan Zhongjie, male, Han nationality, born in June 1966 in Xichong, Sichuan, with a postgraduate degree, started work in July 1990, and joined the CPC in July 1994. He has successively served as deputy director and director of Huizhou Municipal Bureau of Education; Huizhou Deputy Director-level cadre, assistant mayor, member of the municipal government party group; Member of the Standing Committee and Secretary-General of Huizhou Municipal Committee; Member of the Standing Committee and Vice Mayor of Huizhou Municipal Committee; Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee; Secretary of Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress; Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangdong Province; First level inspector of the standing committee of Guangdong Provincial People's Congress. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:WeiZe

Source:south cn

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