Experts from the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council remind that parents should not do this when children have febrile convulsions


What if the child has febrile convulsion? Can taking antipyretic drugs in advance prevent febrile convulsions? In this regard, Wang Quan, director of the emergency department of Beijing Children's Hospital, pointed out at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council recently that a small number of children may have febrile convulsions after being infected with COVID-19. Respiratory tract infection caused by virus is the most common inducement for children to have febrile convulsion, mainly involving children aged between 6 months and 5 years. At present, there is no evidence that taking antipyretic drugs in advance can prevent children with a history of febrile seizures. Wang Quan explained that the main symptoms of children infected with COVID-19 are fever, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, etc. Some children may have muscle soreness, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea, some children may also have hoarseness and other laryngitis, and a small number of children may have febrile convulsions. Children are most likely to have febrile convulsions within 24 hours of fever, especially during the period of rapid temperature rise. Children with febrile convulsions usually show stiffness or shaking of limbs, closed jaws, eyes tilting upward or turning upward, and may be accompanied by blue lips. At this time, they may not respond to external stimuli. Once the child has febrile convulsion, what should parents do? Wang Quan suggested that, first, put the child flat on a flat bed, table top, or floor, with no sharp objects around to prevent the child from falling down during a convulsion and causing secondary injuries. Second, untie the child's collar to keep his respiratory tract smooth. Third, let the child's head turn to one side. If possible, let the child keep the right side lying position to prevent suffocation caused by aspiration when the child vomits. "In the whole process, there are several things parents should not do." Wang Quan reminded that when a child has a seizure, do not put anything in his mouth, including spoon handles, chopsticks, adults' fingers, etc., because it may cause damage to the child or adults themselves. Do not feed your child anything, including medicine and water. Don't try to restrain the child's limbs, which may cause secondary injuries to the child's limbs. Wang Quan also stressed that, so far, there is no evidence that pinching people can shorten the time of children's convulsions. On the contrary, parents may be nervous and exert too much force to cause damage to the soft tissues of children's middle parts, so parents are not recommended to pinch children. "In a word, when a child has convulsions, it is necessary to reduce unnecessary stimuli." Wang Quan said that in general, the duration of children's febrile convulsions is three to five minutes. When the child's convulsion stops, send him to the hospital as soon as possible. If the child has had a state of convulsion in the past, or this attack has been more than 5 minutes, then the possibility of self stopping is relatively small, and it is recommended that the child be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. Wang Quan pointed out that for the vast majority of children, febrile convulsions will not affect the development of the nervous system and will not leave neurological sequelae. Parents need not worry too much. (Outlook New Times)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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