Strive to promote high yield and harvest, and secure China's rice bowl


Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released the data on grain output this year: in 2022, the national grain output will increase by 1373.06 billion jin, an increase of 0.5% over the previous year, and the grain output will remain above 1.3 trillion jin for eight consecutive years. Behind the increase in production and bumper harvest is the steady progress of China's agricultural modernization. The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to accelerate the construction of a powerful agricultural country, and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organizations. At present, China's grain production has achieved bumper harvests for 18 consecutive years, achieving stable agricultural production and increase in output, steady increase in farmers' income, and stable and peaceful rural areas. Efforts to promote high yield and harvest will further strengthen the foundation for ensuring food security; Securing China's job will provide more solid support for economic and social development. Characteristic industries tamp the cornerstone of bumper harvest. Developing rural characteristic industries is an important direction for building a powerful agricultural country and promoting agricultural and rural modernization. At present, the development of rural industry in China still has some shortcomings, such as small scale, scattered layout, short chain, low variety, quality and brand level. To promote the development of the rural economy and build a stable and strong characteristic industry, it is necessary to take precise measures for a long time. On the one hand, adhere to local conditions, truly integrate local resource endowment with the industrial chain, development prospects and market demand, expand the characteristic industrial cluster, and consolidate the root of industrial development, so as to achieve sustainable development; On the other hand, the revitalization of characteristic industries cannot be separated from the wisdom of the masses. By building a stable "community of destiny" among enterprises, cooperatives and farmers, and constantly innovating the participation and income mechanism of all parties, we can fully stimulate the endogenous power of the development of rural characteristic industries, and effectively enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. Advanced science and technology add momentum to the harvest. The way out for agriculture lies in modernization, and the key to agricultural modernization lies in scientific and technological progress. A strong agricultural country must be a strong agricultural science and technology innovation country. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that we should "strengthen the support of agricultural science and technology and equipment". Relevant data shows that over the past 10 years, the contribution rate of China's agricultural science and technology progress has exceeded 61%, and the overall R&D strength of agricultural science and technology has entered the forefront of the world. Among them, the coverage rate of improved varieties of crops exceeded 96%, the area of independently selected varieties accounted for 95%, the contribution rate of varieties to unit yield exceeded 45%, and the comprehensive mechanization level of crop cultivation and harvest exceeded 72%. In recent years, all parts of the country have adhered to the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and agricultural production, constantly enhanced the original basic research of seed industry science, improved the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment, and supported the growth of agricultural science and innovation talents. Scientific and technological innovation is protecting the grain harvest and farmers' income, fundamentally promoting the quality and efficiency of agricultural production, and constantly promoting agricultural modernization and high-quality development. Rural culture is a harvest scene. In August this year, the national level issued the "Fourteenth Five Year" Cultural Development Plan, which made arrangements to promote the revitalization of rural culture. It clearly proposed that we should strengthen the protection and inheritance of agricultural civilization, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural culture, and promote the countryside to become a civilized, harmonious, rich, beautiful and livable space. The farming culture is the crystallization of the long-term agricultural practice of the working people, which condenses the cultural gene and value background of the great China for thousands of years. In the new era coordinates

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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