[In the fight against the epidemic, we are united?] War Epidemic, Joining Hands with the World to Overcome Difficulties


[In the fight against the epidemic, we are united?] Recently, a survey report involving 4000 respondents from 20 countries showed that "85% of the respondents agree with the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind" proposed by China. The survey conducted by CGTN think tank and Epstein Research Center for External Communication of Tsinghua University also shows that 94.2% of respondents agree with the common values of "peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom" for all mankind. At present, the world is experiencing great changes not seen in a century, full of hope and challenges. The coming COVID-19 is another big test that mankind faces together as we enter the third decade of the 21st century. Viruses have no national boundaries, only shared destiny! More and more countries and people choose to stand together to form a community of shared destiny to fight the epidemic and face risks and challenges together! It is a common challenge for mankind to assume public health security as a major country. At the beginning of 2020, after the COVID-19, the international community pays close attention to how China will respond. Run at the same time and fight against the disease. China has implemented the most stringent prevention and control measures, which has bought time for the world and slowed the spread of the virus to other parts of the world. "I want to express my gratitude to all the people living in China and those who cannot live a normal life." UN Secretary General Guterres said that the Chinese people have made great contributions to the whole mankind by making great self sacrifice. At that time, COVID-19 came with great force and soon spread to more than 200 countries and regions. China has successively sent 37 anti epidemic expert groups to 34 countries, and they have been working day and night to hold discussions and exchanges with relevant national epidemic prevention and control headquarters, the Ministry of Health and other important government departments, and carry out professional skills training for medical institutions, laboratories and other relevant personnel. "When we came to Italy from the hometown of pandas, we did not hesitate before we set out, but put on 'armor' when we arrived. We brought the Chinese experience in fighting the epidemic here, and we believe we can work together to overcome the difficulties." On March 17, 2020, Tang Menglin, head nurse of pediatric ICU of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of West China Hospital, wrote this paragraph in her diary. Xu Furong, head nurse of the intensive care unit of the third emergency department of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, and his teammates visited 72 institutions and units in Zimbabwe and Equatorial Guinea to guide and train local medical workers in prevention and control knowledge. "This is a life saving technical document." The 12000 word National Proposal for COVID-19 Prevention and Control submitted by Xu Furong and her teammates was praised by the representatives of African countries. In those dangerous days, they represented China, braved hardships and hardships, and traveled thousands of miles in reverse. China, working hand in hand with other countries in the world, has contributed China's wisdom and strength to the global epidemic resistance. More than that, in an open, transparent and responsible manner, China has actively fulfilled its international obligations and immediately submitted to WHO and relevant countries

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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