Please accept this safety guide for studying abroad


The safety of studying abroad has always been a topic of concern for many parents and students. At present, there are many unstable factors in the international environment, and security incidents of studying abroad occur from time to time. For Chinese students studying abroad, ensuring their own safety is an important prerequisite to realize the value of studying abroad. Here, I put forward the following suggestions, hoping to help you. To enhance security awareness, first of all, there is no absolute security. Even in relatively safe countries, risks may also be encountered. Therefore, it is suggested that students should be familiar with the common security risks and hidden dangers in the countries and regions they study in before going abroad, consciously take the initiative to avoid risks, and learn to identify the relatively safe time, place, people and behaviors. To be specific, in terms of time, night is more dangerous than day, especially in the early morning. In addition, there are also some sensitive time points, for example, freshmen are prone to fraud, theft and robbery when entering school, and there may be risks such as stampede due to disorderly order during major festivals, parades, parties or performances. In terms of location, do not go to relatively dangerous areas, including areas without camera coverage, remote places and areas with high urban crime rate. In terms of behavior, low-key travel is safer than showing off wealth. It is safer to strictly abide by local laws and regulations, respect customs and taboos than to follow one's inclinations. It is safer to compromise temporarily when encountering robbery than to simply resist. Occasionally, we will see some news reports about the shooting, kidnapping, robbery and other cases of Chinese students. To reduce the probability of encountering such cases, foreign students need to have a strong sense of security, stay away from the relatively dangerous time, place and crowd, and act safely. There was a case in which two Chinese students were robbed and shot. They drove back to their residence in the middle of the night and were killed when two robbers robbed them with guns in the parking lot. In terms of time, the early morning of the crime was the most dangerous time of the day; In terms of location, their place of residence and parking is an area with high crime rate. If they consciously pay attention to the above safety factors, they may be able to reduce the probability of this tragedy. Be alert to security risks. If you are in a foreign country, international students will inevitably face complex and diverse cultural, legal and other differences as well as various security issues. To sum up, the main risk issues during studying abroad include: financial crimes (including telecommunications fraud), psychological security, legal risks, social security, travel security and various campus security risks. I would like to cite a few common risks and countermeasures: in foreign countries, there have been frequent incidents of pretending to be Chinese public security organs and the staff of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad to commit telecommunications fraud. The fraudster pretended to be a public official to gain the students' trust, fabricated stories, claimed that the students were suspected of participating in crimes, and then induced them to transfer money. To prevent being cheated, international students need to know the routines of fraudsters, pay attention to protecting personal privacy information, and remember not to transfer money no matter what the other party says. Failure to understand the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures and customs may also lead to security risks. For example, when dealing with the police, misunderstanding may lead to violent law enforcement, a hasty visit to another's house may lead to self-defense shooting, and gestures such as "OK" may have negative meanings in some places. An ordinary act at home may violate local laws abroad

Edit:luoyu    Responsible editor:wangxiaojing

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