12 people from Guangdong were selected as candidates of "Good People in China" in the fourth quarter


Recently, the Office of Guangdong Provincial Commission for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization announced the candidates of Guangdong Province for the fourth quarter of 2022. Among them, Tang Zhihong and Li Ke are good candidates for helping others, Huang Yuncong and Liu Weibin are good candidates for doing good deeds, Sun Zhuoqing, Wei Sumei and Shao Qingmin are good candidates for honesty and trustworthiness, Zhang Laizai and Liang Yanying are good candidates for dedication and dedication, and Li Jialian, Fu Fei and Xiao Xinfeng are good candidates for filial piety and love. These 12 role models from around, with their practical actions to improve, let the moral power reflect the dazzling light of the times. Passing the truth in ordinary life In ordinary life, they pass on love and truth, making the flowers of happiness bloom everywhere. Tang Zhihong, a member of the public security team of Longtian Community, Longtian Street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen City, started his career of volunteering because he ran into a group of "red waistcoats" doing public welfare. In 2017, he promoted the establishment of the Longtian River Protection Volunteer Team, leading the team to patrol the river and protect water. Tang Zhihong organized a collective river patrol once a week to "shoot and report" the random discharge of sewage. In the past five years, the river protection team has grown from the initial 20 people to more than 300 people, and the total length of volunteer river patrol service has exceeded 50000 hours. Over the years since his retirement, Li Ke, the leader of the Volunteer Service Team for Caring for the Army in East Zhongshan District, has actively carried out activities such as helping the poor, helping ex servicemen in need, remembering heroes, and condoning active servicemen. In 2018, Li Ke established a volunteer service team for fraternity and military support in the east district of Zhongshan City, frequently carried out visits to disabled veterans with difficulties, and successively carried out more than 80 times of Party history learning and education and thematic propaganda activities, with more than 30000 people speaking. "Xiao Li is really the best person I have ever met." Uncle Hong in Guangzhou often introduces his neighbor Li Jialian to people around him. Chen Bo lived alone in a small house with an area of 30 square meters on the first floor. Li Jialian took good care of him for more than ten years until his death in 2019. In the heart of the neighborhood, this young man who is engaged in editing work at Huacheng Publishing House is the "living Lei Feng" around them. On the one hand, parents and wives who are unable to take care of themselves due to illness, and on the other hand, education is a cause they really love. Facing the heavy pressure of life, Fu Fei, a teacher of Zhuji Middle School in Nanxiong City, Shaoguan City, did not complain and escape. Every day after work, Fu Fei rushes home to help the elderly clean their bodies and cook for their parents, wives and children. For more than ten years, he has taken care of his family and kept improving his work, demonstrating the virtues of dedication and filial piety. Xiao Xinfeng, a resident of the suburban community of Taiping Town, Shixing County, Shaoguan City, still chose to marry her husband, knowing that her husband's family was in a difficult situation and that there were still uncles born with visual disabilities and mother-in-law with hearing disabilities. For 47 years, Xiao Xinfeng has taken care of them with all his heart and without complaint. "Families should support and help each other." Over the years, her kindness and warmth have enabled the family to live in harmony and happiness even though it is difficult, and she has been praised by the neighbors. They showed their skills bravely in a dangerous place, which profoundly explained the soul of justice. In September this year, a thrilling scene occurred in a residential area in Sanshui District, Foshan City: a 2-year-old child was stuck outside the guardrail on the 8th floor balcony

Edit:Lijialang    Responsible editor:MuMu


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