The defense ministers of China and the United States held candid and in-depth talks to implement the important consensus of the summit


On the 22nd local time, State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Feng, who was attending the 9th ASEAN Defense Ministers' Expanded Conference in Cambodia, held talks with US Defense Minister Austin at request. This is the second face-to-face meeting between the two sides in nearly six months, and it is also the first meeting after President Pelosi of the United States House of Representatives stepped down, causing a sudden escalation of tensions between China and the United States. Tan Kefei, spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense of China, said that the meeting was a practical measure to implement the important consensus reached during the meeting between the two heads of state. Last time in Singapore, the defense ministers of China and the United States extended their meeting for an hour. This time, the two sides talked for about 90 minutes. Wei Feng and his statement that "the US side is not responsible for the current situation in China US relations" and that "the Taiwan issue is the first impassable red line between China and the US" have drawn particular attention from foreign media. Experts interviewed by the Global Times believe that one of the important consensus reached by the two sides this time is to keep communication channels open and strengthen crisis management and control. "China's attitude towards the development of bilateral military relations is sincere, but the basic premise is that the United States must do what it says and keep its commitments." When Tan Kefei reminded the United States on the 22nd, Vice President Harris of the United States boarded Balawang Island, which the Philippines regarded as an "outpost" in the South China Sea. Her provocation means that she obviously talked about the so-called "South China Sea arbitration case". One of the purposes of her explosive visit to the Philippines is to increase the US military presence. However, Harris's visit was protested in the Philippines, and the Philippine people said that she would drag the country into the US China conflict. The "long exchange" on the Taiwan issue was reported by AFP that the Sino US defense ministers' talks took place a week after the two heads of state met in Bali. Recently, China and the United States are seeking to cool tensions through high-level official contacts. The talks between the defense ministers of the two countries began at 10:00 local time on the 22nd and lasted for about 90 minutes. A US Defense Department official described the atmosphere of the talks as "productive" and "professional". At the briefing after the talks, Tan Kefei also said that this was a frank, in-depth, pragmatic and constructive strategic communication. Wei Fenghe first introduced the relevant information of the 20th CPC National Congress. Tan Kefei introduced the China US defense ministers' talks and said that the two sides believed that the two militaries should earnestly implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, maintain smooth communication channels, properly handle contradictions and differences, strengthen crisis management and control, and strive to maintain the overall stability of the military to military relations. The Bangkok Post of Thailand said that the last face-to-face meeting between Wei Fenghe and Austin was during the Shangri La Dialogue in Singapore in June. It was also the first meeting between Chinese and American defense ministers during the Biden administration. But soon afterwards, Pelosi's move to Taiwan led to the escalation of tensions between the two countries. As a counter measure, China cancelled three military to military exchange mechanisms. During the talks on the 22nd, Wei Fenghe pointed out that the responsibility for the current situation of China US relations lies not with China but with the US side making a wrong strategic judgment. Reuters quoted anonymous officials from the US Defense Ministry as saying on the 22nd that Austin and Wei Fenghe had "long exchanges" on the Taiwan issue. Wei Fenghe stressed that the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests and China and the United States

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:Weize


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