How many supernatural powers does the Taoist priest Guan Gong have? He is also the spirit of these nations!


On November 1, 2022, Mr. Lu Shuming, the actor of Guan Yu in the 1994 version of the TV drama Romance of the Three Kingdoms, died of illness, which triggered collective mourning among netizens. With his superb performance, Mr. Lu has created for us the image of Guan Yu, who is powerful, brave and loyal, and makes more people love Guan Yu, a historical figure with mythical color in the folk. The stills of Guan Gong in the 1994 version of the TV drama Romance of the Three Kingdoms. As a great general of the Shu Han Dynasty, Guan Yu may not be the most dazzling in the Three Kingdoms era, when many heroes and stars appeared in large numbers, but after his death, he was constantly interpreted and deified by people. From man to saint, from saint to god, he became a god worshipped by people from the top to the emperor and the general, from the bottom to the ordinary people, black and white people, and people from the top to the bottom. In the Central Plains, as a typical representative of loyalty culture, Guan Gong was highly respected and praised by the rulers of all dynasties, and was awarded titles continuously. Buddhism also created the legend that Guan Gong became a saint of Yuquan Mountain in Jingzhou after his death, and was instructed by the sage master of Tiantai Sect to convert to Buddhism, making Guan Gong one of the two Dharma protectors of Buddhism, the Jialan Bodhisattva. Taoism followed closely, weaving the myth that Guan Gong was invited by Tianshi Zhang to conquer Chiyou God, the evil god of salt pond in Jiezhou, Hedong, and became the protection god of salt pond. Guan Gong was shaped into a martial saint in the Taoist system, "the Three World Demon Subduing Emperor". Driven by various social forces, especially by the media role of popular literature and art such as Guan Gong Opera and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Gong's image of loyalty, righteousness and bravery has become more popular. Guan Gong is not only the object of worship of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, but also the god of war worshipped by the army, the god of wealth worshipped by businessmen, and the god of industry protection worshiped by practitioners who make a living by slaughtering, barbering, carpentry, knife cutting shops, etc. The statue of Guan Gong in the temple of Guan Di in Jiezhou. Statue of Guan Emperor in Guanlin, Luoyang. Of all these deities, the god of war and the god of wealth are the most familiar. As Guan Gong fought bravely during his lifetime, he was regarded as the god of war to protect the local area in Jingzhou, where he died, in the middle Tang Dynasty at the latest. In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it became a common practice for the army to visit Guan Gong Temple and pray for Guan Gong's help before the battle. However, at the level of national sacrifice, the establishment of Guan Gong's position as the god of war was relatively late. In the Temple of King Wucheng, which existed briefly in the time of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, Guan Gong, as one of 64 famous generals of all dynasties, worshipped Jiang Ziya, the king of Wucheng, but only ranked 15th on the left. Since then, from the reign of Renzong in the Northern Song Dynasty to the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Guan Gong was just an ordinary general in the temple of King Wucheng. In the 20th year of Hongwu (1387), Zhu Yuanzhang abolished the temple system of Wucheng King, which had existed for hundreds of years, resulting in a vacuum in the worship of God of War at the national level. However, the Ming Dynasty had to establish a god of war under the promotion of the military's tradition of advocating the god of war, so Guan Gong, the god of war, which had been widely spread among the people for a long time, came to the fore. In the 27th year of Hongwu (1394), the Ming Dynasty built the Guanyu Temple at Jiming Mountain in Nanjing, which was included in the national sacrificial ceremony. So far, Guan Yu officially replaced Jiang Ziya as the national god of war, and constantly expanded its social influence under the promotion of various official and civil forces. As the god of wealth, Guan Gong may be closely related to the activity of Shanxi merchants, a regional merchant group in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. To encourage

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