First observation President Xi made the world understand China from Bali to Bangkok


The timing is critical, the significance is significant, and the world is eye-catching. People were very impressed: from Bali to Bangkok, the Chinese delegation's resident guests came in an endless stream, one after another, busy; From G20 to APEC, we paid close attention to and listened attentively to speeches and speeches made to Chinese leaders both inside and outside the venue; From the East to the West, major international media have focused on China with their main pages and time slots... These scenes, stories and details have left unforgettable memories, but also brought real feelings to people: when China embarked on the "expedition full of glory and dreams", the whole world is so eager to approach China, listen to China and understand China; When the great changes that have not taken place in the world in a hundred years are accelerating, the international community has such strong expectations for China's voice, its plan and its role. Respond to the changes in history, answer the questions of the times, and demonstrate the responsibility of great countries. What kind of China does the world see in this fruitful and far-reaching diplomatic action of the heads of state? This is an open and aboveboard China - "The internal and external policies of the Chinese party and government are open and transparent, the strategic intentions are open and aboveboard, and a high degree of continuity and stability are maintained" "Peace is China's most persistent pursuit. China has never, does not have, and will not seek hegemony in history" "Adhere to equal treatment, mutual respect, win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, and does not target third parties, nor is it interested in engaging in geopolitical competition" Handshakes, greetings, smiling faces, and frank and in-depth conversations all make people feel strongly the charm and heart of China. This is a China that has built itself up to its people. "The modernization of China's 1.4 billion people will be an unprecedented event in the history of human development." "Chinese path to modernization must take a new path of harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature. This is responsible for ourselves and the world." "A China that continues to modernize will provide more opportunities for the world, inject more impetus into international cooperation, and make greater contributions to the progress of all mankind." "The development model of Chinese path to modernization is admirable", "China's rise is unstoppable, and a strong and friendly China will have a positive impact on the region and the world", "China is welcome to make positive contributions to the world through its own development"... These heartfelt feelings are the inspiration given by history and the necessity of moving towards the future. This is a China that dares to shoulder its responsibilities - "Unity is strength, division has no way out" "The world is one, and all countries should cooperate with each other

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:Weize


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