Foreign Ministry spokesman: We look forward to China's space station becoming the "space home" of all mankind at an early date


On the first day, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian answered questions from reporters about the successful launch of China's space station's Mengtian experimental module, saying that China's manned space industry has always been based on its own development and has always faced the world. It is expected that the Chinese space station will soon become the "home of space" for all mankind. On the afternoon of October 31, the Mengtian experimental module of the third segment of the China Space Station was lifted off by the Long March 5B carrier rocket at Wenchang Space Launch Site, and successfully entered the scheduled orbit. The launch mission was a complete success. Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference on the 1st, "We warmly congratulate the successful launch of the Mengtian Experimental Module. This is not only a milestone in the development of China's manned space industry, but also another important contribution that China has made to the progress of the world's space industry." Zhao Lijian said that the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposed to accelerate the construction of a powerful aerospace country. China will continue to work hard and devote itself to the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, and promote the peaceful use of outer space to benefit the economic and social development of all countries in the world. Zhao Lijian said that the development of China's manned space industry has always been based on itself and has always faced the world. China has signed cooperation agreements with a number of space agencies and organizations and implemented various forms of cooperation projects. The Chinese space station is the first time in history that such a project has been opened to all United Nations Member States. At present, the scientific experiment projects of 17 countries, including Switzerland, Poland, Germany and Italy, have been selected into the China Space Station. "Let's hope that China's manned space industry will continue to create new glories, and look forward to China's space station becoming the 'home of space' for all mankind at an early date." Zhao Lijian said. (Liu Xinshe)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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