A family of three generations of border guards, whose destiny is closely linked with Karakoram


On that day, the afterglow of the setting sun was particularly gorgeous. Wu Jia, who has retired, is providing psychological guidance to his comrades in arms in Karakoram by video link. More than 60 years ago, Wu Yongqiang, Wu Jia's father, came to Ali, Tibet, and became a highland cavalry. Under his influence, Wu Jia joined the army 30 years ago and came to the northwest border of the motherland. Last year, Wu Jia's daughter Cao Jiarui graduated from the military academy and resolutely wrote down her application to go to the border. The fate of a family of three generations is closely linked with the Karakoram. First, Wushan, Gansu, the hometown of Wu Yongqiang. The Weihe River flows gently through this small town in the northwest. After his retirement, Wu Yongqiang lived here for more than 40 years. After dinner, Wu Yongqiang sometimes looks at past photos. He was still excited every time when he recalled the years with gunsmoke. In the early morning of that day, Wu Yongqiang's company was ordered to attack a certain highland. As the leader of the main attacking platoon, he led the soldiers to the spot in advance. The flat open land ahead is a minefield laid by the enemy. "Boom!" A demining soldier rolled down to the minefield, leaving a passage nearly 1.6 meters wide for his comrades behind in a burst of fireworks. Wu Yongqiang, with great sadness, ordered a charge. With shouts of death, the soldiers attacked the enemy positions. The enemy's fire came in like a tide. Meanwhile, a shell fell on Wu Yongqiang's right front side. He suddenly lost consciousness and fell into a pool of blood. When Wu Yongqiang woke up, he was lying in the hospital bed. His hands and legs were seriously injured in the battle. After more than ten operations, he was transferred to the 13th Hospital of Xinjiang Military Region for rehabilitation. In the days of convalescence, Wu Yongqiang always insisted on fighting against the pain. His perseverance also touched the heart of Guan Fenglan, the nurse. In 1975, the two married under the witness of their comrades in arms. After the rehabilitation physiotherapy period, Wu Yongqiang declined the preferential treatment of the army and returned to his hometown: "I can't cause trouble to the country. My comrades in arms died in the border defense. I am very happy to live. People should know how to be content." Later, the birth of three daughters added a lot of happiness to Wu Yongqiang's life. "Every night, when the three sisters finished their homework, my father would sharpen our pencils. If we didn't do our homework carefully, he would beat us with a pencil," Wu Jia recalled. In her eyes, her father always maintained a firm character. After a meal, Wu Yongqiang walked to the sofa on crutches. When he sat back, he did not know the distance from the sofa and sat on the ground carelessly. Wu Jia came forward to help, but Wu Yongqiang said, "I can do it myself." That night, he used his cane to hold the wall, fell down again and again, and climbed up again and again. Finally, he stood up on one leg of the prosthesis, stepped back, and sat firmly on the sofa. After these movements, his forehead was already covered with sweat. That night, Wu Yongqiang's strong figure was deeply engraved in Wu Jia's heart. "The best of Wu Jia, the two 'soil' symbolize the continuous plateau, and the single person on the left side means that border guards stand on the plateau to defend the motherland." After Wu Jia joined the army, Wu Yongqiang told her the origin of her name

Edit:Yi Bing    Responsible editor:Wei Li Bin

Source:China Military Net - PLA Daily

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