Warmly congratulate the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the CPC: the News Agency and the Consulate General of Indonesia in Guangzhou jointly look forward to a new height of international cooperation


The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world and the largest economy of ASEAN. In 1950, China and Indonesia established friendly diplomatic relations; In 2013, the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership. In July 2022, Indonesian President Joko started his first trip to East Asia since the outbreak of the epidemic. The first stop was China. He also became the first foreign head of state to be received by China after the Beijing Winter Olympics. The two heads of state believed that, in the face of century old changes and century old epidemics, the two countries have built a new "four-wheel drive" bilateral relationship pattern of political, economic, people to people and maritime cooperation, and carried forward the spirit of solidarity and partnership between developing countries to work together to fight epidemics and achieve common development. China Indonesia relations are of great strategic significance and far-reaching global influence. In order to promote international dialogue and promote friendly interaction and exchanges between the Chinese and Indonesian people, Wang Junzheng, Executive President of Outlook New Age magazine (hereinafter referred to as "the News Agency"), and Chen Xinyan, Editor in Chief, recently visited the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Guangzhou. The delegation led by Kurniawan Wibowo, Consul of the Social and Cultural Division of the Consulate General, gave a warm reception. Consul Wei Baowo congratulated the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, and expressed his belief that the Congress would make decisions that would benefit not only the Chinese people, but also regional prosperity and world welfare. In recent years, China Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership has developed in depth. The cooperation between China and Indonesia is mutually beneficial and win-win. It will not only bring benefits to the two peoples, but also make important contributions to regional and world peace and development. The Indonesian Consulate also looked forward to working with the News Agency to help the economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries. In the following MIKTA in November and the Indonesian Culture and Art Festival in December, the Indonesian Consulate warmly welcomed the News Agency's joint participation. President Wang Junzheng said that the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the CPC is a national event. As an international media platform, the News Agency has been working hard to do a good job in international exchanges and communication, making contributions to the vision and general trend of "a community with a shared future for mankind". In the future, it will further strengthen interaction and communication with the Indonesian consulate and work together to build a bridge for friendly dialogue between the two peoples. (Wang Junzheng, Executive President of the News Agency (left), Wei Baowo, Consul of the Social and Cultural Department of the Consulate General of Indonesia in Guangzhou (center), Chen Xinyan, Editor in Chief of the News Agency (right)) mentioned the upcoming G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. Wei Baowo said that the theme of this year's G20 summit is "common recovery, strong recovery". Indonesia hopes that the world economy will recover and rise rapidly, and work with all member countries to seek

Edit:Yi Bing    Responsible editor:Wei Li Bin


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