What loopholes need to be filled when "dominating screen advertising" invades mobile phones


Many people often encounter the problem of "dominating screen advertising" when using mobile phones. The mobile phone repeatedly pops up advertisements, which can neither be closed nor found the source, or even be deducted for no reason. Recently, the State Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration jointly issued the Provisions on the Administration of Internet Pop up Information Push Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions"), drawing a clear regulatory red line: users shall not be interfered with or influenced to close pop ups in any form; Pop up advertising information shall be identifiable, marked with "advertising" and closing signs to ensure that pop up advertising is closed with one click. "Dominant screen ads" put shopping links to target users to maximize the effect of advertising, so as to obtain valuable benefits. They are indiscriminate and insidious, violating users' core rights, including privacy and property rights, destroying the Internet service ecology, disrupting the normal order of news, business and other information dissemination, causing great harm, which cannot but attract great attention. "Dominant screen ads" invade mobile phones, in a sense, it is the front of "dominant screen ads" on the Internet moving forward. How crazy was the chaos of "dominating screen advertising" on the website, and the public had a "small notebook" in their mind. However, it is a fact that it is difficult for users to fight against "dominating screen advertising" by themselves. Some people around me have been exposed to the "dominating screen advertising" tactic, but if you want to protect your rights, you either have no way to "ask for advice" or feel that you have no way to start. The PC and mobile terminals used by users are generally equipped with "firewalls" for software or advertisements in informal channels. However, "dominating screen advertising" can easily break through such "firewalls", and even some criminals hijack the device system by luring users to download applications that have "hidden" malicious code. This not only shows that some "firewalls" have lagged behind in technology, but also that "dominating screen ads" have formed a certain "strong" position. They are not specialized and forceful enough to destroy their foundation. It is reported that the police investigation found that there is an illegal interest chain behind the "bully screen advertising". Illegal elements often spend money to advertise on some high traffic network platforms, take advantage of platform regulatory loopholes, and spread their illegal applications that "bury" malicious code, which is enough to show that some platforms have loopholes in management. The aforementioned Provisions refined the specification and management of pop-up information push service and strengthened supervision, which is also a "backward force" platform to enhance the main responsibility, improve details and repair loopholes. To curb the "dominating screen advertising", we must overcome the difficulties with the power of law, and we must pool the power of the whole society to deal with it seriously and play a "combination punch". It is worth mentioning that in November 2021, on the basis of revising the Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, the State Administration of Market Supervision published the Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising (Draft for Public Comments), which clearly divided the responsibilities of each subject in advertising activities. Advertisers, advertising agents and advertisement publishers will bear corresponding legal liabilities for acts of deceiving or misleading users to click advertisements. For the illegal and criminal acts behind the "bully screen advertising", we must crack down according to law, break the illegal interest chain, and make it pay a heavy price.

Edit:Li Jialang    Responsible editor:Mu Mu


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