The Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations: The "Belt and Road" is a road of unity, win-win results and hope


On the 14th, the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs jointly held a press conference on "Working Together for a Better Future - Progress Report on the" Belt and Road "Initiative in Support of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". Zhang Jun, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said in his keynote speech that the "Belt and Road" initiative is China's wisdom and China's plan to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. It is highly consistent with the 2030 Agenda in terms of ideas, goals and initiatives, and provides strong support and inject strong momentum into the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Zhang Jun pointed out that the "Belt and Road" is a road of solidarity to build a global partnership, a win-win road to strengthen connectivity and cooperation, a road of hope to promote global sustainable development, and has become the world's broadest and largest international cooperation platform. Deeply promoting the construction of the "Belt and Road" is conducive to the cooperation of all countries to meet challenges, and is the correct choice and way to address both the symptoms and root causes. The Belt and Road Initiative is in line with the needs of the times, the expectations of the people of all countries and the common interests of all countries. Jointly building the "Belt and Road" is not a "solo" of China, but a "symphony" in which all partners participate. China looks forward to working with all partners to uphold the principle of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing, deepen all-round cooperation, unswervingly promote the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road", and make greater contributions to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and achieving common development of all countries. When introducing the report, Li Junhua, Under Secretary General of the United Nations in charge of economic and social affairs, said that the world today is facing many serious challenges and uncertainties. The partnership and multilateral cooperation initiated by the "Belt and Road" have strongly promoted countries to achieve transformative economic and social development. The report, initiated by UN Secretary General Guterres, illustrates the important role of the "Belt and Road" initiative in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda with detailed data and facts. At the same time, it summarizes the successful projects and beneficial experiences of countries and UN agencies participating in the "Belt and Road" cooperation, which will provide important reference for developing countries to closely integrate their own planning with sustainable development goals and achieve green and sustainable development. It is expected that all parties will work together to practice multilateralism and push the 2030 Agenda back on track. Ambassadors of participating countries and representatives of United Nations agencies unanimously congratulated the release of the report, highly appreciated the "Belt and Road" initiative for its strong contribution to poverty eradication, economic development and connectivity among countries, firmly believed that the "Belt and Road" would play a greater role in implementing the 2030 Agenda, believed that it was time to further promote the "Belt and Road" cooperation, and looked forward to deepening practical cooperation with China to achieve common development and share a better future. The report is supported by the Development Sub Fund of the China United Nations Peace and Development Fund. Through case studies, project achievements and other ways, it deeply analyzes the support role of the "Belt and Road" initiative for the 2030 Agenda, and introduces in detail the beneficial experience of bilateral, trilateral and multilateral cooperation under the "Belt and Road" framework, which will help all parties deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation of the "Belt and Road" and enhance development capacity building Accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is of positive significance. (Liu Xinshe)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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