The six foods that seem to lose weight are actually getting fatter!


In this age when everyone knows something about health preservation, we start to be picky about food. We all hope to reduce fat and weight through healthy diet. However, due to some reasons, many people have confused the concept of low calorie food. They think they eat healthy after one meal, but actually they choose "pseudo healthy" food. Today, we will check out the six high calorie foods with health-related words in their names, so as to "avoid lightning" for everyone, so as not to get fatter and fatter. It is said that the fancy oats have a particularly high nutritional value. It is added with various nutrients, rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. It is also said that it has low calories and is suitable for weight loss... The truth is that the sugar rising rate is as high as 80, which is actually equal to the value of rice. Besides, the oats are also rich in sugar and oil. Properly fatten the "strength faction". As for the so-called rich content of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber? In the process of fruit becoming dry, most of the vitamins are also lost along with the water, so it is really impossible to talk about richness. Pit Guide: This oats is not that oats! What we mean by healthy oats is the whole oatmeal, not the sweet oatmeal with sugar and oil added. Fresh juice is said to be rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, healthy and delicious! Truth: after being beaten into juice, almost all dietary fiber insoluble in water is filtered out with "fruit dregs". The poor sediment at the bottom can not be compared with the dietary fiber contained in the fruit itself. In the lancet diabetes and endocrinology, there was an article entitled "fruit juice is just another form of sugary beverage". Fruits generally contain glucose, sucrose or fructose, and the sugar content in fruits accounts for about 10%. We usually eat less than 3-5 oranges, but if we squeeze orange juice, we can dry 3-5 oranges at once. Let's calculate according to the amount of three oranges. Three 200g oranges have about 60g sugar! It can be imagined that a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice can make the sugar exceed the standard in a day. However, the juice is in a liquid state without chewing. It is rapidly emptied in the stomach and absorbed in the intestine. At the same time, the blood sugar will rise rapidly, which is very unfavorable to people who want to control blood sugar and weight. Pit avoidance Guide: don't bother to squeeze juice if you have nothing to do. Just pick it up and chew it! Salad dressing although many people do not like to eat grass, but people on the way to get fat, there is no one who does not bow his head! Truth: I wanted to eat thinner, but I didn't know that salad dressing would make you fatter. The oil content of salad dressing is super high. When we chew the grass, which time is it not mixed with a lot of salad dressing? The heat is super high. A porcelain spoon has more than 100 kcal. Unconsciously, I eat a lot of fat. Moreover, the salad dressing of ordinary quality almost contains trans fatty acids, which is very unhealthy. There are some 0-fat salad dressings on the market, which seem fat free, but actually add extra sugar and sodium to flavor! Pit avoidance Guide: it is recommended to use olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, basil, rosemary, etc. for seasoning, which is healthy and delicious; When eating out, you can reduce the amount and dip it into the salad instead of pouring it all into the salad

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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