What kind of bezoar should I eat when I'm angry?


There are so many Chinese patent medicines containing "bezoar" in the market. There are several kinds with "bezoar" in the name of the medicine, such as bezoar Shangqing pill, bezoar antidote pill and bezoar Qinghuo pill. What is the difference between them? Today, let's take you to know the skills of bezoar "family members". Take you to know Niuhuang Shangqing pill, the "three brothers" of Niuhuang. This medicine is composed of 19 traditional Chinese medicines (artificial Niuhuang, mint, chrysanthemum, jingmustard ear, Angelica dahurica, chuanxiong, gardenia, Coptis chinensis, phellodendron, Scutellaria, rhubarb, forsythia, red peony, angelica, rehmannia, Platycodon grandiflorum, Glycyrrhiza, gypsum, and borneol). It is used for headache and dizziness, red eyes and tinnitus, sore throat, sore mouth and tongue, swollen gums, and dry stool. At the same time of clearing away heat and purging fire, it has a more prominent role in evacuating wind heat, and has a better effect on wind heat headache and eye red. At the same time, it also has obvious heat clearing and blood cooling effects, which is more suitable for patients with blood heat type. Niuhuang Jiedu pill is composed of 8 traditional Chinese medicines (artificial bezoar, realgar, gypsum, rhubarb, Scutellaria, Platycodon grandiflorum, borneol, licorice). It is used for internal heat, sore throat, swollen gums, sore tongue and sore eyes. At the same time of clearing heat and purging fire, it contains realgar, so it has a prominent heat clearing and detoxifying effect. However, it should be used with caution in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction. Niuhuang Qinghuo pill is composed of 9 traditional Chinese medicines (rhubarb, Scutellaria, Platycodon grandiflorum, bezoar, borneol, clove, yam, realgar and menthol). It is used to treat dizziness and dizziness caused by heat accumulation in the liver, stomach and lung, sore in the mouth and nose, wind and fire toothache, sore throat, red and swollen cheeks, and swollen tinnitus. It is equivalent to small-sized Niuhuang Shangqing pill. Duneng fire purging treatment focuses on different kinds of traditional Chinese medicines, including Niuhuang Shangqing pill, Niuhuang Jiedu pill and Niuhuang Qinghuo pill. All of them contain bezoar components and have the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire. They can be used to treat the "fire" symptoms such as sore throat, sore gums and sore mouth and tongue caused by excessive heat. However, due to the different composition of their medicinal taste, the efficacy characteristics and contraindications are different, and the treatment focus is also different. In short, Niuhuang Shangqing pill and Niuhuang Qinghuo pill are suitable for clearing heat and evacuating wind heat, and are suitable for patients with dizziness and red eyes; Niuhuang Jiedu pill is a simple antidote for clearing away heat and purging fire. In terms of safety, Niuhuang Jiedu pill and Niuhuang Qinghuo pill contain mineral drug realgar, which should be used with caution in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction and should not be taken for a long time. At the same time, all varieties are bitter and cold, and contain anthraquinone laxatives such as rhubarb and senna leaves, which should not be taken for a long time. It's better to try food therapy to reduce the fire and Qi. Generally, the "getting angry" mentioned by us is relatively mild and belongs to the mild disease of heat syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine. For example, the eyes are red and swollen, the corners of the mouth are eroded, the urine is yellow, the toothache, and the throat pain are not accompanied by systemic heat symptoms. This situation may be caused by high work pressure, often staying up late, eating spicy food, etc. you can eat some foods that are not popular, such as mung beans, bitter gourd, winter melon, white radish, barley seed, lotus seed, etc. fruits include watermelon, pear, black plum, etc. In addition, it can also cooperate with cupping, massage, massage, acupuncture and other treatments. Pay attention to drinking more water, combine work and rest, and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. However, if the heat syndrome is severe and complicated with bacterial or viral infection, it is still recommended to use antibacterial or antiviral drugs to treat it, or it can be assisted

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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