China's eighth batch of peacekeeping infantry battalions to South Sudan (Juba) organized comprehensive defense exercises


In view of the social security problems in South Sudan and the recent protests and demonstrations against the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the eastern part of the Congo, the eighth batch of Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalions to South Sudan (Juba) recently organized a comprehensive defense drill of UN house to cope with the possible influx of refugees, attacks at the camp gate, and threats of violence and terrorism. According to the introduction of the infantry battalion, the guard detachment wore combat equipment, organized according to the plan, quickly moved forward and occupied important targets. At the drill site, the 100 person anti riot team, carrying equipment, rushed to the scene of the attack at the camp gate, arranged in a "one-line" formation, and took such action methods as shouting to dissuade and drive away, upgrading weapons deterrence, and crowd control and dispersion to eliminate security threats and comprehensively control the situation. The exercise distinguished four contents: the United Nations House vigilance and defense, the prevention of the influx of refugees, the response to violent terrorist attacks, and the evacuation of the wounded. It involved many participating elements and required high handling requirements. It comprehensively tested the emergency response capability of our detachment, laying a solid foundation for maintaining the stability around the United Nations House and ensuring the safety of the refugee camp. It is understood that since the battalion was deployed to the Juba mission area in South Sudan in December last year, it has comprehensively repaired and improved the security and defense hardware facilities in the camp area. In combination with the changes in the situation in the mission area, the battalion has regularly and randomly organized emergency response and defense drills, paid attention to improving the combat readiness awareness of officers and soldiers, and kept on alert at all times. So far, various plans have been formulated for the comprehensive defense of the United Nations House to ensure the smooth completion of the tasks mandated by the United Nations. (news agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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