Advanced deeds of the winner of the "August 1st Medal"


Du Fuguo, a loyal and courageous demining hero, "stand back and let me come", six words clank with iron bones, blocking the danger with flesh and blood, even if he falls into the abyss. This is the award speech of "moving China" to Du Fuguo. On October 11, 2018, in the Bazi minefield on the west side of Laoshan in Malipo County, Yunnan Province, Du Fuguo found a heavy grenade in the mine sweeping operation. He immediately asked his fellow soldiers to step back and go forward alone to find out the situation. Suddenly, with a loud bang, the grenade exploded. At the moment of life and death, he subconsciously leaned towards his comrades, shielded the explosion shock wave and shrapnel, and protected his comrades with his body. He lost his eyes and hands forever. In his 12 year military career, Du Fuguo had three important choices: the first time was to join the army and come to a border guard regiment in Yunnan. He could have been an excellent border guard all the time, but he chose to participate in mine sweeping; The second time, after coming to the mine sweeping team, the captain found that he had good cooking skills and intended to let him be a cook, but he chose to go to the front-line mine sweeping; The third time, when he was in danger of demining, he chose to let his comrades back. Minesweepers walk the "Yin and Yang", pass the "gate of death", pull out the "tiger teeth", and are the people closest to death in peacetime. Du Fuguo knows what this choice means, but why does he hesitate? The answer is written in Du Fuguo's war invitation. In June, 2015, he wrote in the letter of invitation submitted to the Party branch of the company: "as when I joined the army five years ago, I was thinking about what kind of life is really meaningful and valuable. The only measure is what I have really done for the country... I felt that this was my mission, and a voice told me: I want to clear mines!" Facing the minefield of life and death, Du Fuguo trained his minesweeping skills hard, mastered more than 10 kinds of mine clearance methods in only three months, and got the "ticket" of minesweeping with excellent results. Over the past three years, he has entered and left the minefield more than 1000 times, removed more than 2400 mines and explosives, and handled more than 20 dangerous situations, realizing the transformation from "frontier guard" to "all-round Thor". After Du Fuguo was injured, his life was in danger. His two palms were blown off on the spot, the double eye ball was broken, the contents overflowed, the right eyeball fell off, and the wound area from the thigh root to the face reached more than 90%. Being seriously injured and seriously disabled is a heavy blow to anyone, but Du Fuguo has a superhuman will, which is also a unique quality of heroes. Du Fuguo, who had five major operations in three days and three nights in a row, rushed out of the "gate of death". After regaining consciousness, his first reaction was to ask his comrades in arms about the situation. His first request was: "heal my injury quickly, and I have to go to mine sweeping!" How to tell Du Fuguo about the real injury? Army leaders and experts have developed a number of psychological intervention programs for him. However, none of these schemes has been used. Knowing the true injury, Du Fuguo was silent for a few seconds, comforting the leaders and doctors with a trembling voice: "I know, don't worry, I will be strong! I can't clear the mines, but I can also tell people the story of mine clearing." He raised his broken arm and saluted the commander with a special military salute. He told everyone in such a strong way that no matter when he was a soldier, he would run and dream in a struggling attitude. Du Fuguo overcame difficulties with amazing perseverance. Less than a month after the operation, he was helped out of bed and walked; One and a half months later, he put up his elbows on the hospital bed as a flat support. He wants to run. On the antigravity platform, he runs for 10 kilometers; He wanted to write, holding a special pen with his stump, and practiced painting by painting; He wants to broadcast, starting from enunciation and phonation, and learning word by word from the teaching courseware... With an optimistic attitude and never giving up toughness, Du Fuguo has overcome the pain and disability. He can dress, wash, fold quilts, open the door, run, walk with a blind stick, and eat with a manipulator. "Rush! Rush forward, rush..." approaching the end, Du Fuguo, wearing training clothes, waved his broken arm vigorously and ran steadily on the playground, with glittering sweat on his forehead. After crossing the finish line, he laughed happily like a child. "Good evening, audience friends, this is the voice of Nanlu. At 8 p.m., accompany everyone wearing camouflage..." on March 8, 2020, the series of radio programs of "rich countries accompany you to read good books" was officially launched on the wechat official account of the army of the southern theater. In order to enhance the broadcasting effect, Du Fuguo gave up the production method of reading by others, rereading by himself, and editing later, and insisted on memorizing the full text independently. In recent years, Du Fuguo has taken practical actions to help Malipo County, which once fought, overcome poverty; Serve as an out of school counselor of Chongqing Special Education Center, bringing infinite light and power to blind children. Du Fuguo successively went to Peking University, the army border and Coastal Defense Institute and other military and civilian units to carry out more than 30 lectures. Combined with his own growth experience, he talked about his initial heart, his feelings, told the story of a strong army, spread the spirit of "let me come", and encouraged more dream seekers in the new era to move forward bravely. Qian Qihu, a protection engineering expert who built a strong military through science and technology and built a shield for the country, just attended a project appraisal meeting. Academician Qian Qihu took his suitcase and set out on a business trip. It is hard to imagine that this is the life of an old man in his 80s. As the founder of modern protective engineering theory and the founder of protective engineering discipline, Qian Qihu is still running around like a "flying man" at the age when many people have already retired. Such a life, he does not feel tired, but feel "live a full life, a sense of achievement, but also a sense of happiness". "What is a person living for?" This is the first revolutionary outlook on life education class Qian Qihu received when he studied at Harbin military engineering college more than 60 years ago. Strive for one year and devote yourself to the dream of becoming a powerful country. Since joining the work, Qian Qihu has always adhered to the childlike feelings of loving the party, serving the country and strengthening the army. He fought in the depths of mountains, Gobi desert, frontier islands and other front-line projects, made great contributions to the development of China's protection projects, and handed over his life answer with practical actions: the needs of the country, my ideal. Chu Xin is the eternal brand engraved in Qian Qihu's heart by the times. In the early 1970s, there was a loud noise in the depths of the Gobi, and a mushroom cloud rose in the desert... When people cheered and celebrated, a group of scientific researchers wearing protective clothing quickly rushed into the nuclear explosion center to investigate the explosion site, and Qian Qihu was one of them. That year, Qian Qihu was appointed to design the protective door of the aircraft cavern for the air force. In order to find out the problems existing in the original design scheme, he specially went to the nuclear explosion test site to investigate and study. After in-depth investigation and reflection, Qian Qihu boldly decided to adopt the newly emerging finite element method, but this involves a large number of engineering structure calculations. At that time, there was a shortage of large-scale computer equipment in China. In order to get the most scientific plan, he rushed back and forth to Beijing and Shanghai, using the gap between eating and sleeping with others on holidays to rub the equipment with "time difference". Two years later, when the protective door of the underground aircraft cavern that he studied at that time, which had the largest span and the highest resistance in China, passed the result appraisal, he suffered from serious duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer. Those who dare to climb never stop. Then, he struck while the iron was hot and began the research on "the application of finite element method in engineering structure calculation". Long term fatigue induced hemorrhoids, but he still insisted on working more than 12 hours a day. He didn't dare to sit because of the pain, so he sprawled on the bed and wrote a monograph. The monograph won the major scientific and technological achievement award of the national science and Technology Conference soon after its publication. "All things in the world are mutually reinforcing, and if there is a spear, there must be a shield." At that time, China was facing severe external threats. In Qian Qihu's view, if nuclear weapons were a sharp "spear" against hostile military forces, then the protective engineering was a solid "shield". With the continuous updating of reconnaissance means and the emergence of high-tech weapons and precision guided weapons, the protection engineering is often "unable to hide and resist" in a highly transparent battlefield. In particular, the world's military powers have begun to develop precision guided earth penetrating bombs, which poses a great threat to the protection engineering. "When the 'spear' is upgraded, our 'shield' should be upgraded in time." Facing the protection problems of world-class national defense projects, Qian Qihu led the team to climb the peak of science and technology, established academic theories and technical systems from shallow buried engineering to deep buried engineering protection, from single engineering to engineering system protection, from conventional resistance to ultra-high resistance protection, formulated China's first civil air defense engineering protection standard, and solved a series of key technical problems in the protection of nuclear weapons and conventional weapons engineering. In 2019, Qian Qihu won the highest award in the field of science and technology in China - the 2018 national highest science and technology award. The greatest teacher is for the country and the people. As a member of the expert group of many national major projects, Qian Qihu put forward practical and major consulting suggestions on the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, xiong'an new area, the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, the west to east gas transmission project, and underground energy reserves. After retirement, he was still active in the forefront of the construction of national strategic protection projects, and actively offered suggestions and suggestions for the construction of Sichuan Tibet railway and the Bohai Bay Subsea Tunnel. "A person can achieve something and show value only by closely linking his personal ideal with the needs of the party and the country and the future and destiny of the nation." Talking about his life course, Qian Qihu's eyes revealed his unswerving faith. "Leaving better opportunities to young people" is Qian Qihu's educational philosophy. In 2009, he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to be nominated and recommended Feng XiaTing, a young scholar, as the president of the international society of rock mechanics: "the world rock mechanics research center is in China, and Feng XiaTing is young, capable and has dreams." Finally, Feng XiaTing became the only Chinese expert who served as the president of the society so far. "I have done so many subjects in my life, but I feel that cultivating talents is always my biggest subject." Talking about the future, Qian Qihu is full of ardent expectations for talents. For decades, a large number of outstanding talents trained by Qian Qihu have become the backbone in the field of protection engineering. In 2019, he donated all the 8million yuan of the national top science and technology award to poor students to help them realize their school dreams. "Although I am over 80 years old, I always feel that there is still a lot to do. Building an indestructible 'underground Great Wall of steel' for the motherland is my lifelong pursuit, where my career and happiness lie!" Qian Qihu said that in his lifetime, he will continue to forge a shield for the country. Nie Haisheng, a hero astronaut who is committed to serving the country and making three rounds of space exploration, responded positively to the call of the party and resolutely signed up for the selection of astronauts. He was selected and stood out from more than 1500 excellent air force pilots at various levels. In 1998, he became the first batch of astronauts in China. Over the past 24 years, he has always kept in mind the original mission of "going into space for the motherland", always maintained the military character of "listening to the call and choosing", insisted on hard training and preparation, and was ordered to backup for three times and take the order to go out for three times, successfully completed the manned missions of Shenzhou VI, Shenzhou X and Shenzhou XII, and wrote infinite loyalty to the party with the magnificent track of traveling in space. In October, 2003, during the Shenzhou V manned mission, Nie Haisheng was ranked in the first flight echelon, but missed feitianmeng. Face up

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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