The subsidy for buying new houses is 1%, and the first house is "available for loan"... Support policies for house purchase in many places continue to be introduced


Recently, support policies for house purchase in many places have continued to be introduced. On July 25, Gaochun District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province issued a new deal, which includes three aspects: giving house purchase subsidies, optimizing enrollment policies, and optimizing loan interest rates. Among them, a subsidy of 1% of the purchase contract price (excluding tax) will be given to purchase a new house. On the same day, Lishui provident fund management center of Zhejiang Province issued a housing purchase support policy for three child families. Among them, three child families applied for provident fund loans for the first time to buy their first home, with the maximum limit rising by 20%; Families with three children who apply for provident fund loans are not included in the waiting list and are given priority; For three child families who rent self occupied houses in the market, the withdrawal limit will rise by 50%. In addition, on July 22, Changsha, Hunan Province optimized the housing provident fund policy, in which the maximum loan limit was raised to 700000 yuan, and the maximum loan limit for three child families was raised to 800000 yuan; The proportion of down payment for the second set of housing will be reduced to 40%; When purchasing the first set of housing, we will implement the phased policy of "withdrawal and loan". Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province recently issued the "several measures on promoting the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the real estate industry in Zhangshu City", which introduced a total of 23 targeted measures to promote the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the real estate industry from six aspects: implementing the housing purchase and sales subsidy policy, optimizing the real estate supporting planning, increasing financial policy support, expanding the inventory removal channels, promoting the development of the real estate industry, and optimizing the government environment. The measures also reward the sales behavior of commercial housing sales intermediaries. During the period from June 30, 2022 to December 31, 2022, for each set of commercial housing sold by the registered intermediary, the revenue finance will give a reward of 1000 yuan. According to the statistics of the China Index Research Institute, as of July 24, 62 provinces and cities across the country have issued policies more than 70 times in July. It is worth noting that on July 21, the State Council held an executive meeting to deploy policies and measures to continuously expand effective demand. In terms of real estate, it is expressed as "promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market through urban policies, ensuring the rigid demand for housing, and reasonably supporting the improvement demand." Industry insiders expect that in the second half of the year, under the framework of urban policy implementation, the policy easing will continue to increase, gradually reversing the current wait-and-see state of supply and demand. On July 25, the official Weibo of Gaochun District in Nanjing released the relevant policies of Gaochun district to promote the healthy development of the real estate market (Trial). I. provide subsidies for house purchase. In order to support the demand for rigid demand and improved housing purchase, from the date of public release of this policy to June 30, 2023, buyers who purchase new commercial housing (excluding second-hand commercial housing) in Gaochun district and sign online for filing can be given a subsidy of 1% of the purchase contract price (excluding tax) with the deed tax invoice after obtaining the real estate ownership certificate in the later stage. II. Optimize the enrollment policy. If the owner purchases new commercial housing (excluding second-hand commercial housing) and obtains the real estate ownership certificate before the annual Gaochun District enrollment policy plan is issued, from 2023, his children's freshmen at the stage of preschool education and compulsory education can apply for admission to the school in the teaching district (or service district) where the property is located (there is no need to move into the Hukou), which is arranged by the District Education Bureau. If the registered residence of the house owner is outside the province, the District Education Bureau shall make an overall arrangement. III. preferential loan interest rate. Promote the recovery of the market and guide commercial banks to provide preferential interest rate loans for commercial individual housing for rigid demand and improved housing groups. Lishui supports the purchase of three child families with provident fund loans. On July 25, Lishui Provident Fund Management Center released the purchase support policy for three child families. Among them, if three child families apply for housing provident fund loans for the first time to purchase their first self occupied house, the maximum limit of housing provident fund loans will rise by 20%; Families with three children who apply for housing provident fund loans are not included in the waiting list and are given priority; For three child families who rent self occupied houses in the market, the withdrawal limit will rise by 50%. In addition, on July 22, Lishui also issued preferential policies for housing provident fund for high-level talents, including raising the loan limit of housing provident fund for high-level talents, adjusting AB talents from the maximum limit of 800000 to full loan, CD and e doctoral talents from quota preference to floating a certain proportion of preference, and the loan limit of housing provident fund for high-level talents has been greatly increased, In addition, in the future, the preferential amount will rise according to the loan base limit to realize dynamic adjustment. Changsha optimizes housing provident fund policy on July 22, Changsha housing provident fund management center issued the notice on optimizing housing provident fund business policies and processes. It is proposed that the maximum loan limit of Changsha housing provident fund should be increased to 700000 yuan, and the maximum loan limit of employee families with three children should be increased to 800000 yuan. When an employee family purchases a second set of improved self owned housing, the proportion of down payment shall not be less than 60% of the total purchase price and shall be adjusted to 40%. When an employee family purchases the first house, it implements the phased "withdrawable and loanable" policy, that is, if an employee family purchases the first house from the date of implementation of the policy to December 31, 2022, it can apply for house purchase withdrawal. The total withdrawal amount of the same house shall not exceed the down payment for house purchase, and it can apply for housing provident fund loan at the same time. If the applicant applies for house purchase withdrawal after the loan is processed, the housing provident fund account of both husband and wife shall retain the loan repayment amount of the provident fund loan for 12 months. The number of employee family housing units is limited to the self owned housing within the administrative region of Changsha, and subject to the inquiry of Changsha housing registration information. The number of housing units for employees' families with loans from other places shall be subject to the query results of housing registration information within the administrative region of Changsha and the place where the main borrower's housing provident fund is deposited. On July 21, the State Council held an executive meeting to deploy policies and measures to continuously expand effective demand. In terms of real estate, it is expressed as "promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market through urban policies, ensuring the rigid demand for housing, and reasonably supporting the improvement demand." In this regard, Yan Yuejin, research director of the think tank center of E-House Research Institute, believes that the reference to real estate this time shows the important role of real estate consumption in effective demand and economic recovery. He predicted that there would be various policy support for the subsequent improvement of housing demand, including multi child families, talent housing and new citizen housing; Standard adjustment of ordinary residence; The second house purchase policy will be further relaxed to better stimulate housing consumption demand. Chenwenjing, director of Market Research of the index division of the China Index Research Institute, pointed out that as of July 24, 62 provinces and cities across the country had issued policies more than 70 times in July, and the frequency of policy issuance was slower than before. In the short term, before the real estate market resumes its stable operation, local policies will continue due to the city, and there is still room for policies at both ends of supply and demand. As for the future policy direction, Chen Wenjing further said that on the demand side, first, the combination of housing policy with population, talent and leasing policies is still an important direction for all regions to optimize the control policies based on urban policies, and the scope of follow-up cities is expected to continue to expand; Second, optimize the "loan and house purchase" standard, reduce the down payment ratio and mortgage interest rate, reduce transaction taxes and other policies or continue to reduce the home purchase cost of home buyers; Third, hot cities are expected to continue to optimize the purchase restriction policy, allowing supplementary payment of social security or personal income tax to become a model, and there is room for optimization of purchase restriction policies such as enterprises and legal auction houses; Fourth, local policies may be more refined, and more refined and targeted policies will be introduced to promote the release of rigid and improved housing demand according to urban and regional policies; Fifth, the first tier cities are still dominated by fine-tuning, and the policy optimization efforts of the second tier and third and fourth tier cities are expected to continue to increase. "On the supply side, first, all localities will continue to standardize, optimize and adjust the regulatory policies for pre-sale funds, so as to better supplement the liquidity of funds for enterprises and improve the efficiency of the use of pre-sale funds. Second, reduce enterprise tax expenditure, reduce enterprise capital pressure or the direction of enterprise side policies." Chen Wenjing said. However, Li Yujia, chief researcher of the housing policy research center of the Guangdong Provincial Academy of urban planning, believes that in the third quarter, all regions will continue to optimize the rescue policies under the framework of urban implementation policies, but the policy space is very limited. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Wei Li Bin    Responsible editor:Yi Bing


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