After the college entrance examination, there is a peak period of myopic surgery. Experts said: it is necessary to pass a comprehensive and professional preoperative examination


With the end of the college entrance examination in 2022, the ophthalmology department of major hospitals has recently ushered in a wave of myopia surgery peak. Wang Zheng, vice chairman of the refractive surgery special committee of the ophthalmology branch of the Chinese Medical Association and head of the refractive surgery group of Aier Eye Hospital Group, reminded that myopia correction surgery can not be performed by everyone. It needs to pass comprehensive and professional preoperative examination and expert evaluation, and regular postoperative review is indispensable, and nursing cannot be taken lightly. According to the data released by the National Health Commission, the overall incidence of myopia among children and adolescents in China is 53.6%, including 81% among high school students, which means that many college entrance examination graduates will be limited due to myopia. The recently released 2022 China Europe International myopia surgery white paper (hereinafter referred to as the white paper) shows that the peak of myopia surgery in China from 2018 to 2021 is concentrated in the summer of each year. Wang Zheng said that due to the needs of military recruitment, public security recruitment, air force recruitment and other occupational categories, myopia surgery is often concentrated after the annual college entrance examination and summer vacation. According to reports, myopic surgery has strict contraindications, including severe amblyopia, keratoconus, other corneal dilation diseases and degeneration, severe dry eyes, uncontrolled glaucoma, systemic connective tissue diseases and autoimmune diseases, as well as known serious psychological and mental diseases such as anxiety and depression. Wang Zheng pointed out, "we must pass a strict and comprehensive preoperative examination. Those who have surgical contraindications or do not have surgical conditions must not perform myopia surgery." Myopic surgery is generally suitable for people aged 18 and above and with relatively stable myopia within two years. If the relevant conditions of refractive surgery are met, including diopter and some good cooperation during the operation, the postoperative effect is reliable. According to the data of the white paper, in China, the average naked far vision of ICL lens implantation, LASIK excimer laser in situ keratomileusis and smile all femtosecond laser surgery in 6 months after operation exceeds 1.11. In addition, the postoperative diopter of myopic people with various surgical procedures is also becoming more and more stable. What are the preparations for taking off the mirror? Wang Zheng reminded that more attention should be paid to eye protection during the preparation period of surgery than usual. "Don't stay up late, watch the electronic screen for a long time, and eat less spicy fried food, so as to avoid dry and tired eyes and damage the health of the eye surface." At the same time, it is also necessary to make preparations for "lens suspension" in advance, such as the suspension of soft spherical lens for more than 1 week, the suspension of soft astigmatism and hard lens for more than 3 weeks, and the suspension of corneal plastic lens for more than 3 months. "It should be emphasized that rubbing the eyes may damage the corneal morphology, and myopia surgery must be carried out after the corneal morphology recovers, so remember not to rub the eyes." "In fact, the process of myopic surgery is very short, and we will order eye drops for local anesthesia before the operation, so there will be no strong pain. As long as we cooperate with the doctor during the operation, we should pay attention to that it is not 'everything is fine' after the operation. In order to have long-term clear and stable good vision, regular postoperative review and nursing are particularly important, which can better ensure the effect of postoperative recovery." Wang Zheng said that under normal circumstances, regular reexamination should be carried out on the first day, seventh day, one month, three months, half a year and one year after the operation. Reexamination six times a year after the operation is essential. At the same time, rational medication should be used according to the doctor's advice. Within one month after operation, avoid foreign bodies entering the eyes, and do not rub the eyes and exercise violently. After myopic surgery, you can do sports such as walking, jogging and yoga, but swimming, diving and some antagonistic sports are best 6 months after surgery. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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