The permanent representative of China to the United Nations appeals to the international community to provide more support and assistance to Afghanistan


Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, made a speech at the UN Security Council open meeting on Afghanistan on the 23rd, calling on the international community to provide more support and help to Afghanistan. Zhang Jun said that Afghanistan is in a critical period from chaos to governance. Since last August, the overall situation in Afghanistan has remained stable, violent conflicts have decreased significantly, and the humanitarian and economic fields are facing very serious challenges. Afghanistan still has a long way to go to achieve peace and development. The Afghan people should not be forgotten. The international community should provide more support and help. First, it is necessary to strengthen constructive contacts and support Afghanistan to achieve independent and effective national governance. The lessons of the past 20 years have proved that military intervention and foreign models will not work in Afghanistan. All parties should truly implement the principle of "Albanian leadership and Albanian ownership", strengthen contacts with the Afghan interim government in a pragmatic manner, patiently guide, support national reconciliation and domestic unity in Afghanistan, and explore a governance model in line with Afghanistan's national conditions. Second, we should increase investment in resources to help Afghanistan get rid of the plight of its people's livelihood and economy. After the hasty withdrawal of foreign troops in August last year, the humanitarian and economic situation in Afghanistan took a sharp turn for the worse. Up to now, there is a shortfall of US $3billion in Afghanistan's humanitarian response plan. Affected by other geopolitical situations, major donor countries have paid less attention to Afghanistan. This trend is extremely dangerous and may lead to the evolution of the current crisis into a greater disaster. In April this year, dozens of independent United Nations human rights experts jointly issued a statement, pointing out that the freezing of Afghan overseas assets by the United States has exacerbated the living conditions of Afghan women and children, and calling for the lifting of the freeze as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there has been no progress on the issue of unfreezing assets. At a time when the Afghan people most need resources to support them, the freezing of a large number of their overseas assets is unreasonable, unreasonable and unacceptable. The US side should return the overseas assets of Afghanistan unconditionally as soon as possible. Third, we should implement comprehensive policies to support Afghanistan to achieve sound development. The security, counter-terrorism, drug control and refugee issues facing Afghanistan are intertwined. Comprehensive measures should be taken to find solutions from the root causes. We should promote the Arab side to eliminate the breeding ground for terrorism and resolutely crack down on various terrorist organizations such as the Islamic state and the East Islamic movement. Afghanistan should be supported to develop alternative opium poppy cultivation and eliminate drug sources. The rights and interests of Afghan women and children, especially the right to education and employment, should be fully guaranteed. Zhang Jun said that China is a friendly neighbor of Afghanistan and has always been committed to supporting the peaceful and stable development of Afghanistan. Since the winter of last year, the Chinese government has provided 250million yuan of emergency assistance to Afghanistan, and will continue to implement the 1billion yuan of bilateral assistance announced. Not long ago, China hosted the third Arab neighbors' foreign ministers' meeting, urging all neighboring countries to form a series of practical initiatives to support the peaceful reconstruction of Afghanistan. Many projects are already being implemented, which will play an important role in promoting the peaceful and stable development of Afghanistan in the future. China is willing to work with the international community to make new contributions to creating a brighter future for Afghanistan. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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