Behind the phenomenon of "Internet text IP craze"


In recent years, under the influence of the rapid development of network technology, the existence form and ideographic way of literature have begun to undergo profound changes all over the world. Compared with the convergence of traditional literature, network literature is gradually becoming one of the important manifestations of contemporary literature. Network literature IP is now very popular in the international entertainment market and has a strong momentum of development. Some cultural products such as film and television dramas, animation, games, etc. adapted from webwen IP frequently appear in the public's view, and derivatives around webwen IP also emerge in endlessly, truly realizing the double harvest of popularity and income. Works such as tram man (Japan), that boy is really handsome (South Korea) and sabre realm (Japan) have not only won unanimous praise from audiences all over the world, but also created huge commercial profits, truly realizing the "1+1gt; 2" effect. The Internet has a profound impact on the mass media. How to understand this phenomenon from the perspective of communication is related to the future of Internet reading. 1. Internet Communication: so near so far With the deep involvement of the Internet, the way of literary creation has undergone fundamental changes, and its mode of communication has become more convenient and humanized. The Internet seems to have removed all the physical barriers of communication overnight, interpreting the human spiritual world with a new digital face. First, the spread of online literature covers a wide range. At present, the Internet has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Online meetings, online shopping, online live broadcasting, online education and so on have penetrated deeply into the economy, society, interpersonal communication and other aspects. The network literature, which came into being by touching the Internet, makes full use of the attribute of wide coverage of network communication, so that the number of readers and the amount of reading have reached an order of magnitude unmatched by traditional literature. Second, the spread of network literature is close to the world. In a general sense, "near" is relative to "far", which refers to the spatial distance between things. In the Internet age, "near" is a psychological concept. Friends in social networks may be close but close, and neighbors next door may be within reach but they are unfamiliar and far away. The readers of online literature are no longer the objects that the author imagines when writing. They have become close friends who can express their feelings through online literary works at any time and have interactive dialogue through forums. With the participation and creation of countless individuals, the aesthetic standards of network literary works have become increasingly rich, and the themes, carriers and forms have gradually diversified, providing a broader space for literary exchanges for both authors and readers. The third is the instant arrival of network literature communication. The speed of network communication is very fast, usually calculated in "minutes and seconds". The instantaneous direct access of information can closely connect readers with network literary works anytime and anywhere, and bring people an "immersive experience". At the same time, in the network literature works, people can not only spread words, but also spread sound, pictures, images and other information forms. These information forms can more richly, vividly and vividly present the text of network literature. Network literature is no longer a kind of "delayed enjoyment", but a kind of "instant consumption". Since then, literary works can instantly reach the hearts of the people and the grand morality. In short, the Internet provides a new experience scene and technical support for the spread of literature. Although technology can not play a decisive role in creating a brilliant literary period, it widens the path and innovates the way for the spread of literary works. It is in this good development ecology that literature returns to the folk and increasingly becomes an important part of people's spiritual and cultural life. Generally speaking, "network literature" refers to literary works, quasi literary texts or network artworks containing some literary elements that are interpreted and presented by means of hypertext links and multimedia with the Internet as the communication carrier and display media. "IP" is the abbreviation of English (intellectual property), which translates directly into intellectual property, and generally refers to the possession, use, benefit and other rights enjoyed by the obligee for the intellectual achievements created by him. "Network literature IP" refers to the copyright of developing products upstream and downstream in the field of cultural industry based on the network literature text and using the fan stickiness of network literature. "Internet Literature IP fever" seems to be a brand-new phenomenon of mass culture. When we begin to talk about this phenomenon, John Fiske (1939-2021) must be an inseparable figure. He is one of the most influential mass culture theorists in contemporary British and American academic circles. He is a professor of communication at the University of Wisconsin in the United States. He is known as the founder of pop culture research. John Fiske's theory was deeply influenced by Stuart Hall and David Morley of Birmingham School in England. It not only changed the thinking path of mass culture research, but also further enriched and developed the theory of mass culture. His representative works include understanding mass culture, interpreting mass culture, introduction to communication research, key concepts: a dictionary of communication and cultural research, etc. we can analyze the current phenomenon of "Internet Literature IP fever" from his mass culture theory. 2. Internet Age: from fans to creators In the key concepts: a dictionary of communication and cultural studies, John Fiske pointed out that text is a message with certain material form composed of various expressive symbols, and its connotation and meaning are often determined by the sender or receiver of the message. Fiske believes that from the perspective of the structure of the text, the text should be loose and there should be some large gaps to create a new text; From the function of the text, the text should be the evocator of meaning and happiness, not the container of meaning and happiness; From the perspective of text value, readers should be able to interpret the value and significance of different levels in the text symbol system. Based on the above understanding, Fiske believes that the text of mass culture should not be "monolithic", but "producer text". That is to say, the text itself should have the characteristics of polysemy and openness, and can become a new space for the public to create and reproduce the meaning. Both the author and the reader can produce the meaning and value that meet their own needs in the text according to their own background, experience, intention and other factors. One of the reasons for the "Internet Literature IP craze" lies in the way of text "co creation", which is consistent with Fiske's theoretical core of "producer text". In the era of paper books, watching martial arts in the "quilt" is a common memory of many people. At present, reading is no longer silent. Readers are more willing to express, discuss, participate and create. Some readers are not only interested in "chasing and urging more on the website", but also in "discussing the story plot in the comment area". Many readers have also changed from literature lovers to literary creators. Some well-known online writers such as Nakano duren (Japan) and cute Tao (Korea) are also converted from readers. It can be seen that "social reading together" and "fans' co creation" have become a prominent feature of webwen IP text creation. In this process, there is no clear division between authors and readers. Readers can directly participate in the creation of online text IP text through websites or social media platforms. Some vertical user communities such as virtual book friend circles, role circles and interest circles are also incubating on major platforms. This co creation method can not only bring more creative inspiration to the author, but also fully meet the needs of readers to participate in the creation. On the one hand, readers can have an in-depth discussion with the author on the details of the characters' character, text structure, writing style, language form and so on in the novel. On the other hand, they can also design and develop the specific plot of the story, such as the beginning, development, climax, and ending. The form of CO creation has become one of the indispensable links in the process of online IP creation. In other words, in the creation of Weblog IP, the reader is no longer the "passive" receiver of the story, but the "active" creator of the story, gradually changing from "productive audience" to "productive author", and in this process, the initiative of creation has also been tilted, from the original "author" to "reader", Readers also gradually occupy the advantages of text creation and have a "nomadic subjectivity" feature. Just as Fiske said, the text of popular culture is not only a field of multiple contradictions and multiple views, but also a combination and unity of "reader text" and "author text". 3. Reader Economy: fan group and symbol consumption There are two different views on the study of fan groups in the West. One view is represented by jolijensen, a professor of communication at Tulsa University in the United States. They believe that fan groups are fanatical and potential molecules whose behaviors are often abnormal and deviant. Another view is represented by johnfiske, who believes that the fan group is discriminative, creative and active. In his book understanding mass culture, Fiske divides the consumer groups of mass culture into two types: "fan groups" and "passers-by groups". Fan groups are the "fans of mass culture" described by Fiske. Members of the fan groups communicate and communicate in the way of transmitting symbolic symbols, and the identity of members will continue to develop and change with the deepening of mutual exchanges, Finally, the "difference" identity of fan groups can be better constructed among members. This group's enthusiasm for mass culture is positive, active and enthusiastic. Their focus is mainly on the "symbolic productivity" of the text, and they can identify which works can make them have pleasure and meaning in reading in the shortest time, and quickly participate in the reproduction of these cultural symbols. Therefore, the "symbol consumption" behavior of fans is also one of the reasons for the "Internet Literature IP fever". Take the Korean internet article IP "that boy is really handsome" as an example. This work was written by the Korean female writer cute Tao. Since it was published on the Internet, it has been quickly sought after by Korean teenagers. Many people have suffered from the so-called "that boy syndrome". The hairstyle and clothes of the handsome boy have become the object of Korean boys' imitation, while the girls take the heroine qiansui's words "beautiful from the beginning" as their motto. The film of the same name adapted from "that boy is really handsome" has also been in the top 10 of the list of Korean comedy films. On the day of the trial, although the maximum temperature has soared to 39.8 ℃, fans still crowded the scene of the trial. Some fans even came to watch it from Busan, Incheon and other cities. Many people are excited after reading the work and think that this work is a true portrayal of their own life. They project their emotions into the work and turn ordinary inner fantasies into concrete and realistic behaviors. It can be seen that fans will actively, actively and enthusiastically "support and pay the bill" for their favorite weblog IP. No matter what form the weblog IP is presented to them, as long as the surrounding products are developed, there will always be some fans actively "eliminate"

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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