French and German leaders say they will strengthen military assistance to Ukraine


French President macron and German Chancellor Scholz said in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, on the 16th that the two countries will further strengthen military assistance to Ukraine. Medvedev, vice chairman of the Russian Security Council, said on the same day that the visit of Western leaders was useless and "will not bring Ukraine closer to peace". According to the news on the Ukrainian President's website, Ukrainian President Zelensky met with the leaders of France, Germany, Italy and Romania on the same day, and discussed topics such as strengthening Ukraine's national defense capacity, providing economic support to the Ukrainian people, coping with the food crisis, putting pressure on Russia for further sanctions, and Ukraine's integration with Europe. Zelensky briefed the parties on the situation in Ukraine and its priority needs in the field of national defense. He said that Uzbekistan looks forward to receiving new assistance including heavy weapons, rockets and missile defense systems. Macron said that EU countries have provided economic, humanitarian and military support to Ukraine and will increase their support. France will strengthen its military support to Ukraine and make a decision on providing more "Caesar" self-propelled howitzers in the coming weeks. Scholz said that Germany has provided Ukraine with a large amount of financial assistance and weapons, and trained Ukrainian soldiers to use modern weapons. Germany, the United States and Britain have reached an agreement to provide Ukraine with a multi rocket launch system. Romanian President Johannes said that Romania is providing all necessary assistance to the displaced Ukrainian people. A humanitarian center has been set up in suchawa in the border area, and the Romanian ports of Constanta and Danube are assisting in the transfer of Ukrainian food. Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said that he would work hard to ensure the food transportation in Ukraine and avoid the food crisis. At the joint press conference held after the meeting, macron said that Ukraine is a part of the European family. The leaders of France, Germany and Italy supported the granting of EU candidate status to Ukraine and hoped to make a unanimous resolution on the granting of EU candidate status to Ukraine at the European Council meeting next week. Medvedev said on social media on the 16th that the visit of Western leaders is useless and "will not bring Ukraine closer to peace". On the same day, the press secretary of the Russian President Peskov expressed the hope that this visit "will not only focus on supporting Ukraine by increasing arms supply", and that arms supply will only "prolong the suffering of the people and cause greater harm to this country". (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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