Putin said Russia would respond if the West provided long-range missiles to Ukraine. Ukraine said Kiev and other places were attacked


Comprehensive Xinhua news agency reports: Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview on the 5th that if Western countries provide long-range missiles to Ukraine, Russia will "draw corresponding conclusions and attack targets that have not been hit before". According to the Ukrainian State News Agency reported on the 5th, the mayor of Kiev, Kiev, said that the infrastructure of darnitsky district and dneprovsky District of the city was attacked by missiles that morning, killing one person. —— In an interview broadcast by a Russian TV station on the 5th, Putin said that if Western countries provide long-range missiles to Ukraine, Russia will "draw corresponding conclusions and strike targets that have not been hit before". He said that the provision of MLRS by the United States to Ukraine "will not change anything, but will only prolong the conflict as long as possible". The Ukrainian army already has similar weapons, and the Western supply of such weapons "is only to make up for the loss of military equipment in Kiev". —— According to Ukrainian State News Agency reported on the 5th, Kiev mayor Klitschko said that the infrastructure of the city's darnitsky district and dneprovsky district was attacked by missiles that morning, killing one person. The Ukrainian air force command sent a message on social media that the Russian army launched multiple missiles into Kiev on the same day, one of which was intercepted by the Ukrainian air force. Preliminary investigation showed that the missiles were launched by the Russian army from TU-95 bombers located in the Caspian Sea region. Officials of the Uzbek national railway company said the main target of the Russian attack was railway facilities. —— Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said on the 5th that the Russian army used high-precision long-range air-based missiles to attack the suburbs of Kiev and destroyed T-72 tanks and other armored vehicles in the workshop of vehicle maintenance enterprises provided by Eastern European countries. He said that since the launch of the special military operation, the Russian army has destroyed 189 Ukrainian warplanes, 129 helicopters, 1114 UAVs, 330 air defense missile systems, 3416 tanks and other armored vehicles, 470 multiple rocket launchers, 1778 field artillery and mortars and 3419 special military vehicles. —— According to Ukrainian State News Agency reported on the 4th, Ukrainian President Zelensky called on American cities to cut off ties with Russian cities and terminate sister city relations between the two countries in a video sent to the annual meeting of the U.S. mayors' Conference on the same day. —— The head of Russia's national defense command center, mikenzev, said on the 4th that the Ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses in the battle in northern Donetsk and are retreating to the direction of lisichansk. He also said that in northern Donetsk, the Uzbek government ordered the Uzbek army to bury mines in storage tanks containing chemicals and tried to blame the Russian army for this. The Uzbek side plans to delay the Russian attack by blasting chemical storage tanks and establishing chemical pollution areas, which may cause injuries to civilians. —— Ukrainian news agency reported on the 4th that as of the morning of the same day, Russian troops had launched an offensive in the industrial zone of northern Donetsk City, and street fighting between the two sides was still continuing. —— The Ukrainian government said in a statement on the 4th that the Ukrainian side and the Russian side exchanged the remains of dead soldiers in zaporoje region on the 2nd according to the "160 for 160" plan reached by both sides. —— The German Bundestag approved the establishment of a special budget of 100billion euros for the federal defense force on the 3rd to purchase arms and materials. German Chancellor Scholz proposed the establishment of this special budget as a response to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in a speech before the Bundestag. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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