Russia says there is no need to evacuate embassy staff from unfriendly countries for the time being Ukraine says the Ukrainian Russian political and diplomatic negotiations have been suspended


Comprehensive Xinhua news agency reports: according to today's Russian news agency on May 31, Ivanov, State Secretary and vice minister of the Russian Foreign Ministry, told local media that it is not necessary to evacuate embassy staff from unfriendly countries at present. According to the Ukrainian State News Agency reported on the 30th, podoliyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian President's office, said in an interview with Ukrainian media that the political and diplomatic negotiations between Ukraine and Russia have been suspended. —— According to today's Russian news agency reported on the 31st, Ivanov said that it is not necessary to evacuate embassy staff from unfriendly countries at present, but Russia has formulated relevant measures to deal with possible accidents. In some countries with high anti Russian sentiment, the local government has taken necessary measures in accordance with international obligations to protect Russian representative offices abroad from extremist attacks. —— Ukrainian State News Agency reported on the 31st that the Russian army continued shelling Kharkov, Nikolayev and Dnepropetrovsk as of the morning of the same day, citing military departments in Ukraine. Sumei and afdivka regions were also hit by Russian firepower. Fighting continues in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Ukrainian news agency quoted Sergey gedai, chief military administrator of the Lugansk region, as saying that in the Lugansk region, part of the northern Donetsk city has been controlled by the Russian army. The Russian army is carrying out military operations to clean up the surrounding areas of northern Donetsk City, but the Ukrainian army is still resisting. —— According to the Ukrainian President's website reported on the 30th, Ukrainian President zelenski met with visiting French Minister of Europe and foreign affairs katerin klona in Kiev on the same day. The two sides discussed arms assistance, strengthening sanctions against Russia, EU candidate status and lifting the blockade of ports in southern Ukraine. —— According to the Ukrainian State News Agency reported on the 30th, podoliyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian President's office, said in an interview with Ukrainian media that the political and diplomatic negotiations between Ukraine and Russia have been suspended. However, in order to exchange detainees, establish humanitarian corridors and evacuate the population, the two sides are still negotiating in the humanitarian field. —— The mayor of Donetsk said on social media on the 30th that the city was attacked by Ukrainian armed forces that day, killing 5 people and injuring 12. —— Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said on the 30th that Russian rocket forces destroyed 62 command posts, 593 personnel and military equipment concentration areas, 4 sets of "hail" multiple rocket launchers and 1 ammunition depot in Ukraine. The Russian army also used artillery to hit the shipyard shed in Nikolayev City, destroying 15 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and 5 artillery. He said that since the launch of the special military operation, the Russian army has destroyed 183 Ukrainian aircraft, 128 helicopters, 1064 UAVs, 325 air defense missile systems, 3323 tanks and other armored vehicles, 451 multiple rocket launchers, 1731 field artillery and mortars, and 3294 special military vehicles. —— The general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces said on social media on the 30th that as of the same day, the Russian army had lost 30350 people, 1349 tanks, 3282 armored vehicles, 643 artillery, 205 multiple rocket launchers, 93 air defense systems, 207 fixed wing aircraft, 174 helicopters, 507 tactical UAVs, 13 ships and patrol boats, and 2258 vehicles and fuel tankers. —— Gaztra energy company of the Netherlands said on the 30th that since the company refused to pay natural gas accounts in rubles, Gazprom announced that it would stop supplying natural gas to the Netherlands from the 31st. Dutch climate and energy minister rob yeteng said on social media that Russia's supply cut-off will not affect the actual supply of Dutch civil natural gas. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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