Fang Yuantan | contributing youth to the rectification of discipline and the fight against corruption


The supervision committee of Dadukou District Commission for Discipline Inspection of Chongqing issued the "15 measures to strengthen the education, management and supervision of young cadres", which enables the multi-dimensional training of young cadres and multi-channel management and supervision; The Commission for Discipline Inspection and supervision of Bazhong City, Sichuan province organizes young cadres' representatives to carry out the theme education activity of "re following the Red Army Road" during the May 4th movement every year, to relive the years of war and the feelings of revolutionary martyrs in Sichuan Shaanxi Soviet Area; The Commission for Discipline Inspection and supervision of Qianxinan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, has systematically arranged for young cadres who lack grass-roots work experience to go to rural areas, letters and visits windows, etc. Recently, local discipline inspection and supervision organs have continuously increased the education, supervision and management of young discipline inspection and supervision cadres, promoted young discipline inspection and supervision cadres to integrate their ideal pursuit into the great cause, and bravely shouldered the heavy burden in promoting the party's self revolution. Firm ideals and beliefs, and always follow the party. Fiery youth needs firm ideals and beliefs. Young discipline inspection and supervision cadres should work with the party spirit, enhance the "four senses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", achieve the "two safeguards", and perform the important duties of supervision, discipline enforcement and accountability. Practice has proved that only by taking a clear-cut political stand and applying the important strategy and experience of comprehensively and strictly administering the party in the new era to supervision, inspection, examination and investigation can we "first look at politics" and "first look at political discipline", break through the fog of obstacles with the "fire of truth" and contribute to the realization of haiyanheqing. Dare to be good at fighting and to take the lead. Young people are always new. They are the most enthusiastic and motivated to innovate. Young discipline inspection and supervision cadres should show new achievements in establishing a new atmosphere, dare to say no to the bad atmosphere, be sensitive to the clues that the wind has become corrupt, and deeply analyze the internal relationship between the wind and corruption. Cultivate selfless character and fearlessness. No matter the major issues or minor issues, we should pay attention to principles rather than face. We should work together to rectify trees, start with ourselves, clean up all decadent branches and leaves with new trends and righteousness, and show clear and pure youth in the new era. Stand firmly on the people's position and do things in a down-to-earth manner. When youth is highly aligned with the cause of the party and the people, the spectrum of youth will be broader. Young discipline inspection and supervision cadres should practice the "four sides" working method, go deep into the grass-roots level to listen to the people's demands, and be the people's sidekick, confidant and spokesperson; Go to the grass-roots level to investigate and observe the truth, closely supervise and promote the implementation of the policy of benefiting the people. We should treat small matters as major events, effectively solve the problem of "urgent difficulties and anxieties" of the masses, respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, and integrate the work concept of enforcing discipline and law for the people into the blood of youth. Always be honest and self-defense, and be brave in self revolution. If a person is not honest and self disciplined, he will have no backbone. Young discipline inspection and supervision cadres should always cultivate the "mind learning" of Communists, and know how to fear, guard against fear and keep the bottom line. Always keep the clarity of young people, more youthful and pure, less greasy and tangled; More sober and firm, less sinking and confusion. We should draw lessons from the cases of violation of discipline and law. We must never "go astray when the first step has just embarked on an official career", be self righteous, self clean and self hard, and eliminate all viruses that erode the health of the party. The future of China will be shaped by today's youth. Facing the changes of the world, the times and history, and shouldering the historical burden of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, young discipline inspection and supervision cadres should have the wisdom to change, the ability to respond and the courage to change, constantly enhance their ability to perform their duties and responsibilities, and strive to be the first in the youth track to achieve the best results. (outlook new era)

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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