In the difficult stage of epidemic prevention and control, we can't have the illusion of "lying flat"


Recently, many places across the country have been affected by the Omicron mutant strain, resulting in a new round of epidemic rebound, with accelerated transmission speed, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control is grim. After more than two years of fighting against the epidemic, some people inevitably feel slack, "the severe rate and mortality of Omicron are low. Is it necessary to mobilize the public" and other ideas emerge from time to time. Scientific evidence shows that Omicron is not a major influenza, and there is still great uncertainty about how the novel coronavirus will mutate in the future. At present, the epidemic prevention and control work is in a critical period and arduous stage of "sailing against the current and falling back if we don't advance", and we can't have the illusion of "lying flat". In view of China's national conditions, "lying flat" is doomed to unimaginable consequences. The results of the seventh national census show that China's total population is about 1411.78 million, of which 264.02 million are over 60 years old, accounting for 18.70%. Omicron mutant is not only highly infectious and spreads rapidly, but also has a certain proportion of infected people who are asymptomatic in the process of transmission. The process of transmission is hidden and the risk of transmission is increased. If we let "lie flat", it will inevitably lead to a large number of people infected in a short time. China's regional development is unbalanced, the total amount of medical resources is insufficient, and the allocation of resources is also unbalanced. According to the statistics of the organization for economic cooperation and development, in 2020, the number of ICU beds per 100000 people in China was only 4.5, compared with 28.2 in Germany, 21.6 in the United States, 16.4 in France and 13.8 in Japan in the same period, which is far lower than that of developed countries. Especially in some economically underdeveloped areas, the basic medical and health institutions still need to be further improved. If the strength and resources are not focused on the "prevention" measures such as nucleic acid screening and isolation, and the pressure is transmitted to the "treatment", the medical and health resources will face a serious run, which will seriously threaten the health of vulnerable groups such as patients with basic diseases, the elderly, children and pregnant women, resulting in a large number of severe diseases and deaths, with unimaginable consequences. Global economic performance shows that "lying flat" is not conducive to economic improvement. Some people have the illusion of "lying flat", which is based on the fact that the epidemic prevention and control measures may affect individuals' work and life, and even the whole economic and social development. They hope that "liberalization" can bring about the improvement of personal conditions and promote the improvement of economy and society, but will this be the result? In the laissez faire United States, the death toll of Xinguan is not only more than 1 million, but also does not show a bright "report card" in economy. Relevant data show that in the first quarter of this year, US GDP fell by about 1.4%; GDP growth in the 19 member countries of the eurozone contracted by 0.1% compared with the previous quarter. Although economic growth is affected by many factors, it is obvious that "lying flat" will not bring the expected positive effect. Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China has taken the lead in controlling the epidemic and realizing the resumption of work and production. In 2020, China will become the only major economy in the world that has achieved positive economic growth. In 2021, we will have made remarkable achievements in maintaining economic growth and epidemic prevention and control. At present, the epidemic has a great impact on the economic operation in the short term, but the fundamentals of economic stability and long-term improvement have not changed. China's fiscal policy, monetary policy and other policies also have enough space and diversified tools. As the epidemic prevention and control has achieved phased results, and the policies and measures to stabilize the economy continue to be effective, it will certainly promote the rapid revitalization of China's economic development. On the contrary, if we let "lie flat", a large number of people emerging will infect or block the flow of labor force, which will make it difficult for enterprise production to operate normally, and even lead to the rupture of supply chain, which will drag down economic and social development and seriously affect personal life. In the struggling stage of epidemic prevention and control, we should give up "lying flat" and strengthen confidence. At present, the epidemic prevention and control work is in a critical period and arduous stage of "sailing against the current, or falling back if we don't advance". We should lose our illusions, strengthen our confidence, and unswervingly adhere to the general policy of "dynamic zeroing". Of course, in the face of the new characteristics of virus mutation, China still needs to continue to strengthen the construction of prevention and control capacity, timely improve prevention and control measures, strengthen the research and prevention of virus mutation, do not simplify and apply one size fits all, do a good job in the basic living security and material supply of the people in the epidemic prevention and control, ensure the people's demand for medical treatment, actively respond to the people's concerns, and rely on the people to fight the people's war. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Xia Qin    Responsible editor:Li Shihan

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