Wang Yi held a video meeting with luhute, the leader of Indonesia's cooperation with China and Minister of overall planning


On May 6, 2022, State Councilor and foreign minister Wang Yi held a video meeting with luhute, the leader of Indonesia's cooperation with China and Minister of overall planning. Wang Yi said that under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China Indonesia relations have withstood the test of the epidemic, the strategic and high level have been highlighted, and the awareness of a community of shared future has been strengthened, injecting positive energy into the cause of epidemic resistance and development in the region and even the world. We are true friends and reliable partners. China is willing to work with Indonesia to deepen the new pattern of "four-wheel drive" bilateral relations of political, economic, cultural and maritime cooperation, promote the respective development process of the two countries, better respond to various international challenges and make greater contributions to world peace and development. Wang Yi pointed out that China adheres to the people first and life first. The epidemic prevention and control measures taken are scientific and effective, in line with China's national conditions, and safeguard the health and life safety of the Chinese people. China congratulates Indonesia on the positive results achieved in epidemic prevention and control, and will continue to provide vaccine assistance to Indonesia, support enterprises of both sides to carry out vaccine localization production cooperation, build a joint vaccine and gene research center, carry out closer cooperation in API and other fields, and jointly build an enhanced version of bilateral health cooperation in the post epidemic period. Wangyi expressed that China is willing to work with Indonesia to promote the completion and opening of the Yawan high-speed railway on schedule, build the "two countries, two parks" between China and Indonesia into the first demonstration park for economic and trade innovation and development between China and ASEAN countries, promote new achievements in maritime cooperation, cultivate more growth points of cooperation in green development, digital economy, infrastructure financing, food security and other fields, and create an upgraded version of the high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" between the two countries. Wang Yi stressed that a regional cooperation framework centered on ASEAN has been formed in East Asia, which is the key to maintaining peace and stability in the region. The "Indo Pacific strategy" pursued by the United States goes against the trend of the times and is not in line with the common and long-term interests of countries in the region. The United States activated the "five eye alliance", which is essentially advocating the proliferation of old cold war thinking; The essence of establishing the "four sided mechanism" is to create new group antagonism in the region; The essence of promoting the trilateral security partnership between the United States, Britain and Australia is to provoke an arms race in the region. China believes that no matter whether regional cooperation expands to the Pacific Ocean or the Indian Ocean, the focus should be on East Asia and the engine should be ASEAN. No matter what regional strategy is proposed, the purpose should be mutual benefit and win-win, not zero sum game. Both China and Indonesia are representatives of emerging economies. China is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with Indonesia in this regard, jointly safeguard the hard won peace and stability in the region, and jointly safeguard the legitimate rights of countries in the region to seek development and revitalization. Wang Yi said that China firmly supports Indonesia in hosting the G20 leaders' summit, building the outcomes of the Bali summit under the topics of global health, energy transformation and digital transformation, and making positive contributions to overcoming the challenges in the post epidemic period. The global security initiative and the global development initiative echo each other, comply with the expectations of countries around the world for peaceful development and win-win cooperation, take into account the two major themes of the times of peace and development, pay attention to promoting sustainable security with sustainable development, and inject new impetus into the cause of global development and security. China is willing to work with Indonesia to promote the implementation of the global security initiative through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, carry forward the five principles of peaceful coexistence and the "Bandung spirit", and embark on a security road of joint construction, sharing and win-win results. Luhute thanked China for its comprehensive and strong support for Indonesia's fight against the epidemic, and said that bilateral cooperation to overcome the challenges of the epidemic has been further promoted, which reflects that the two sides are a community of common destiny sharing weal and woe. Indonesia is willing to continue to promote cooperation with China on vaccines and public health, deepen cooperation on the "the Belt and Road", promote cooperation on strategic projects such as the Ya Wan high speed railway, "two countries' two parks", North Kalimantan Green Industrial Park, infrastructure construction, and implement maritime cooperation projects to further benefit the people of both sides. Greece and China will further promote cooperation in education, culture, media and other fields to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. Indonesia and China can cooperate to overcome the epidemic, achieve greater development and jointly maintain regional peace and stability. Indonesia appreciates China's support for Indonesia to host the G20 summit and will work with all parties to promote this year's summit to play a constructive role in restoring the world economy. Luhute stressed that the unity and cooperation between Indonesia and China will enable us to jointly overcome current difficulties and challenges. The mutually beneficial and win-win nature of bilateral relations will provide important guidance for cooperation among developing countries. Wang Yi looks forward to and believes that China Indonesia relations will become a model of mutual benefit and win-win results, a model of common development and a pioneer of South South cooperation. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue

Source:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China

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