Continue to deepen medical reform and protect people's health


After many years of illness, Weng Hua, a resident of Shaxian District, Sanming City, Fujian Province, used to "discount money" to the medical insurance account in his early years, and now he has "annual balance"; Xie Hangang, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of Sanming Jiangle County General Hospital, has found that his personal income has quadrupled compared with 10 years ago; In the past few years of medical reform, the statistics of Sanming Medical Insurance Bureau showed that the city's medical insurance fund had a deficit of 208 million yuan from 2011, realizing a surplus for many consecutive years thereafter. In Sanming City, great changes are written in the "small ledger" of medical reform, from the difficult and expensive medical treatment for patients, the busy profit of doctors and the "bottom penetration" of medical insurance fund to the win-win situation of patients, doctors and medical insurance. In recent years, Sanming medical reform has taken the reform of drug consumables management as a breakthrough, adhered to the linkage of medicine, medical insurance and medical reform, and explored valuable experience for the national medical reform. Only by constantly summing up experience, continuing to deepen reform, making a balanced distribution of high-quality medical resources, and making the people truly affordable and good can we provide a reliable guarantee for people's health. Reform often starts with solving difficult problems. Once, Sanming's medical insurance fund was in deficit, and the people were also faced with the problem of falsely high drug prices. After comprehensive investigation and analysis, Sanming decided to reform, completely cancel the drug bonus, cut off the drug rebate channel, and the saved expenses have left a balance in the medical insurance fund. The medical insurance expenses saved by squeezing the virtual high water content of drug consumables have been used to improve the reimbursement proportion of the masses and adjust the income of medical personnel. The local doctor sighed: "what is cut off is the gray transaction, and what is increased is the sunshine income." As soon as the masses calculate, the minimum payment line for hospitalization expenses has changed from 600 yuan to no minimum payment line. The expenses are regardless of inside and outside the medical insurance catalogue. The proportion of total expense reimbursement has increased from 46% to 67%. The dividend of medical reform benefiting the people is real. It is a distinctive feature of Sanming medical reform to hit the key, grasp the key points and explore a win-win mechanism. The key to the renewal of reform is to maintain the vitality of the system and continuously deepen it according to the time and situation. Treat chaos, block waste, and rectify kickbacks and incorrect medical behaviors; Establish articles of association and rules, and adjust the income distribution mechanism of hospitals and doctors; Adhere to the people's health as the center... Sanming medical reform has made long-term contributions and sustained efforts in system construction. Since 2016, Sanming has established general hospitals in all counties and urban areas of the city, and "packaged" the medical insurance fund to each general hospital for self distribution, giving the hospital capital and autonomy. Nie Lixiong, President of Jiangle County General Hospital, said: "this makes us change from treating the disease to treating the disease before, so that the masses can get sick as little as possible." Practice shows that ensuring people's health as much as possible can not only save more funds, but also be used in health management to realize the transformation from disease treatment to people's health. Taking "breaking" as the "establishment" and "reform" as the "progress", Sanming medical reform always adheres to the people-centered development thought. After the reform, where has the surplus money gone? Nie Lixiong calculated an account: in 2021, the medical insurance fund balance of Jiangle County General Hospital was more than 30 million yuan, which was used for information construction and upgrading of medical facilities and equipment. At the same time, doctors were encouraged to go to villages and households to carry out health services. Shaxian district general hospital will use the surplus funds for inclusive examination, such as allergen screening for children and free physical examination for snack owners. Only by adhering to the people first and life first, constantly improving the system and improving the quality can the people really enjoy fair and accessible, systematic and continuous high-quality services such as prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and health promotion. "It's convenient and cheap to see a doctor", "being a doctor here has a great sense of achievement", "if we continue to improve the reform, the people's sense of gain will be full"... In Sanming, such a voice is impressive, and the picture of medical reform is slowly spreading. Facing the future, taking deepening reform as the driving force, proceeding from the needs of the people, and constantly consolidating and expanding the results of reform, we will be able to better protect the people's health. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Huang Tianxin


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