South Korea's new cabinet is taking shape, and the candidate for deputy prime minister is facing economic problems


South Korean President-Elect Yin Xiyue nominated eight heads of departments of the new government on the 10th. With the previously announced candidate for Prime Minister Han Dezhu, the new cabinet has taken shape. Among them, the election of Qiu qingho, vice premier of economy and Minister of planning and finance, has attracted wide attention. He will face problems such as curbing inflation and combating downward pressure on the economy. Yin Xiyue announced the list of some candidates for the new cabinet at the office of the presidential transition Committee in Seoul on the same day. In addition to Qiu qingho, he also nominated Li Zhongxie as the director of the Ministry of national defense, Li Changyang as the director of the Ministry of industry, commerce and resources, Yuan Xilong as the director of the Ministry of land and transportation, Li Zonghao as the director of the Ministry of science, information and communication, Zheng Haoyong as the director of the Ministry of health and welfare, park pujun as the director of the Ministry of culture, sports and tourism, and Jin Xianshu as the director of the Ministry of women's family. According to the relevant laws of South Korea, the candidates for the new cabinet need to pass the personnel hearing of Congress. Yonhap reported that Yin Xiyue is expected to announce the candidates for other department heads within a week. Among the eight newly nominated, Qiu qingho has attracted the most attention from the outside world. Aged 62, he is a member of the national power party to which Yin Xiyue belongs and has more than 30 years of political experience. During the administration of former President Lee Myung Bak, he was the economic Secretary of the presidential palace; During the administration of former President Park Geun hye, he successively served as the first official (Vice Minister) of the Ministry of planning and finance and the director of the state adjustment office. According to the South Korean media, Qiu qingho is considered to be the main designer of the "three-year plan for economic reform" of the park Geun hye government. "The current economic situation in South Korea is extremely grim and the internal and external environment is unfavorable. The primary task of the new government is to stabilize prices and ensure people's livelihood," Qiu qingho said at a press conference after being nominated As the fourth largest economy in Asia, South Korea's recent economic downturn and inflationary pressure have continued to increase. According to the latest government statistics, South Korea's consumer price index rose 4.1% year-on-year in March, the highest in more than 10 years. Yin Xiyue said that Qiu qingho is proficient in the economy and has held many important positions in the government. He is expected to coordinate policies among various departments and promote economic development. Yin Xiyue also announced at the press conference that he would visit Park Geun hye in the southeast city of Daegu on the 12th. Yin Xiyue once presided over the investigation of Park Geun hye's "crony interference in politics", which was eventually impeached and dismissed. Last December, park Geun hye was granted a special amnesty and returned to her hometown of Daegu last month to settle down. Yin Xiyue recently sent several reconciliation signals to park Geun hye, saying that she was willing to meet with the former president. Whether the two can resolve their grievances in this meeting has attracted much attention. South Korean media speculated that during Yin Xiyue's visit, park Geun hye may be invited to attend the presidential inauguration ceremony scheduled for May 10. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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