Analysis on the significance and key points of "Digital China" construction


Inherit history and forge ahead into the future. Next, the people of all ethnic groups across the country will continue to move forward towards the second Centennial goal of building a powerful socialist modern country in an all-round way. Therefore, as the first five years of the second stage of the "Chinese dream", the 14th five year plan is of great significance. Among them, the digital strategy of "accelerating digital development and building a digital China" has been written into the 14th five year plan for the first time. The construction of "Digital China" is the inevitable choice of the times Marx believed that the production of material means of living is the basis of human existence and the material premise of the emergence, existence and development of all societies. Human beings obtain material means of life by engaging in certain material production practice. Human beings have formed productive forces through the acquisition of material means of life. At the same time, production relations have been formed between people in this process. Marx believes that this mode of production of material life restricts the development of the whole society, and the social mode of production is affected by the contradictory relationship between production and production relations. The contradictory relationship between productivity and production relations is usually summarized as follows: productivity determines production relations, production relations should adapt to the development of productivity, production relations are the form of productivity development, and production relations will react on productivity. The cycle of contradictory movement between productive forces and production relations promotes the development of social production. Productivity is the most active and revolutionary factor to promote social progress. The fundamental task of socialism is to liberate and develop social productive forces. In comprehensively deepening reform, we should adhere to the major strategic judgment that development is still the key to solving all China's problems. Since the revolution of science and technology, human beings have gradually changed the mode of production and become the decisive force of science and technology. At present, human society is in the historical process of the third industrial revolution represented by information digital technology. Information digital technology has become a decisive factor in the level of contemporary social productivity. Key points of "Digital China" 1. Build a machine system of "digital technology" Since the new era, China's scientific and technological independent innovation ability has been greatly improved and has become a world scientific and technological power. However, we must be soberly aware that the key technology core in some key fields is still "stuck" by other countries, especially in the current complex and severe international situation. Therefore, the construction of "Digital China" first proposes to "strengthen the innovative application of key digital technologies". Specifically, it is necessary to focus on the R & D breakthroughs in key areas such as high-end chips and operating systems that have not yet achieved complete independent innovation, strengthen the integrated R & D of core technologies, accelerate the layout of cutting-edge technologies such as quantum computing, quantum communication, neural chip and DNA storage, and strengthen the cross innovation of information science, life science, materials and other basic disciplines. Marx pointed out in the concept of "machine system" repeatedly mentioned in capital that the formation of large machine system rather than steam engine is the symbol of the outbreak and all-round development of industrial revolution. The formation of a machine system is not the result of a technological breakthrough, but the result of an overall breakthrough in the interconnection of multiple technologies. Therefore, the construction of "Digital China" based on information and digital technology should be reflected in the integrated construction of mutual promotion and integration of various related information technologies. Therefore, while "accelerating the promotion of digital industrialization", we should "promote industrial digital transformation" as soon as possible, promote the collaborative transformation of the whole industrial chain enabled by data, deepen the digital application of R & D and design, production and manufacturing, operation and management, market service and other links, and realize the integrated development of digital economy and real economy. 2. Build a beautiful picture of people's life History clearly shows that the Communist Party of China leads the people in revolution, construction and Reform in order to promote the liberation and development of productive forces, and the fundamental purpose of promoting the liberation and development of productive forces is to continuously improve people's material and cultural living standards and promote people's Liberation and all-round development through the development of productive forces. Therefore, "accelerating the construction of digital society" and using digital technology to serve the people's livelihood are the meaning of the construction of Digital China. From "people's growing material and cultural needs" to "people's growing needs for a better life", it is pointed out that with the completion of an all-round well-off society, people's needs for a better life are of higher quality and wider range. In addition to higher quality material and cultural life, people also put forward higher requirements for the distribution of public resources such as education, medical treatment and pension. In view of this, "building a digital China" proposes to "provide smart and convenient public services", promote the digitization of resources of public service institutions such as schools, hospitals and nursing homes, strengthen the opening, sharing and application, promote the common development and deep integration of online and offline public services, expand the radiation coverage of high-quality public service resources, and realize that people have a sense of support for the elderly, education for the young, dependence for the poor, and difficult to help, The widows and widows, the lonely, the disabled and the sick all have the hope of a harmonious society. At the same time, the change of expression from "backward social production" to "unbalanced and insufficient development" points out that China's social production, especially productivity, has basically got rid of the backward situation. Unbalanced and insufficient mainly refers to the gap in regional wealth possession and income distribution, especially in the gap between urban and rural development. In view of this, "building a digital China" proposes to "build a smart city and digital village", promote urban and rural development and governance model innovation with digitization, accelerate the construction of digital village, build a comprehensive information service system for agriculture and rural areas, promote the digitization of rural management services and promote the overall development of urban and rural areas. 3. Improve the construction level of Digital Government Although productivity is the decisive factor of social and historical development, production relations can also react on productivity, and superstructure can also react on economic foundation. The nonlinear dynamic contradiction process between productivity and production relations, economic foundation and superstructure requires that when facing the prominent problems of development in the new era, we must strengthen the top-level design and overall planning, and enhance the relevance, systematicness and synergy of various reforms. The laws and policies formulated by the people's Government under the leadership of the party are the core content of the superstructure. Therefore, using digital technology to improve the ruling level and scientific decision-making of the government is the key to the economic basis of the reaction of the superstructure. To improve the construction level of digital government, we first need to strengthen the open sharing of public data, establish and improve the national public data resource system, promote the convergence, integration and in-depth utilization of data across departments, levels and regions, and deepen the sharing and utilization of basic information resources such as national population, legal persons and spatial geography. The second is to promote the co construction and sharing of government informatization, strengthen the overall planning of government informatization construction, deepen the integration of government information system, and improve the ability of cross departmental collaborative governance. The last is to improve the efficiency of digital government services. Deepen the "Internet plus government services", and comprehensively promote the digitalization and intellectualization of government operation mode, business process and service mode. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Huang Tianxin

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