Ukrainian president said the new round of Ukrainian Russian negotiations released positive signals, and Russian and French presidents discussed the situation in Ukraine by telephone


Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency foreign correspondent reported: Ukrainian President Zelensky said on the 29th that the signal released by the new round of Ukrainian Russian negotiations held in Istanbul, Turkey is positive. Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President macron talked by telephone on the 29th. The two sides continued to exchange views on the situation in Ukraine, including a new round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine on the same day. —— Zelensky said in a video speech on social media on the evening of the 29th that the signal released by the new round of talks between Ukraine and Russia is positive. However, Ukraine is aware of all the risks and believes that there is no reason to believe the remarks of the Russian negotiators, "only the specific results are credible". —— According to the Kremlin website, Putin detailed the measures taken by the Russian army to provide emergency humanitarian assistance and ensure the safe evacuation of civilians when talking to macron on the phone. The two sides also talked about issues related to Russia's decision to switch to ruble settlement when it decides to supply natural gas to some countries, including EU countries. According to the French media citing the French presidential palace, macron proposed to Putin to evacuate the residents of the port city of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine during the call. Russia said it would "consider" this before making a response. —— According to a statement issued by the German federal government, German Chancellor Scholz, US President Biden, French President macron, British Prime Minister Johnson and Italian Prime Minister Draghi held a teleconference on the 29th. The leaders of the five countries agreed to maintain the high-pressure sanctions against Russia, continue to actively provide assistance to Ukraine, and called for a ceasefire as soon as possible and a settlement of the conflict through diplomatic means. The five countries called on Ukraine to establish an emergency humanitarian corridor and allow effective humanitarian access to Ukraine. The leaders of the five countries also discussed energy security and energy prices. —— The Ukrainian Ministry of internal affairs issued a statement on social media on the evening of the 29th that the Russian army launched a missile attack on the government building of Nikolayev state on the same day, killing 12 people and wounding 33 others. The middle part of the 9-storey office building was seriously damaged. Staff of the Ukrainian State Emergency bureau have rescued 18 people from the ruins, and the search and rescue work is still in progress. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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