We will give better play to the role of private enterprises in stabilizing the economic fundamentals


Private enterprises not only occupy a relatively high market share, but also an effective way to enrich the soil for people's livelihood and employment and give full play to the scale advantage of the domestic market. We should aim at the expectations of enterprises and the urgent needs of the market, strengthen the overall coordination of policies to benefit enterprises, combine phased policies with institutional arrangements, and achieve stability and resilience of private enterprises by means of boosting the confidence of private enterprises in development, creating a fair competition market environment, building a pro Qing government business relationship, unblocking the circulation of enterprise funds, improving the development resilience of private enterprises and guiding the transformation and upgrading of private enterprises, We will continue to give full play to the key role of private enterprises in stabilizing the basic economic situation. The central economic work conference in 2021 clearly pointed out: "deepen the reform in key areas and stimulate the market vitality and endogenous driving force of development". The 2022 government work report also reiterated that "micro policies should continue to stimulate the vitality of market players". The vitality of market players is the basis for stabilizing the macro basic market. Private enterprises are not only the market players with a relatively high share, but also an effective way to enrich the soil for people's livelihood and employment and give full play to the scale advantage of the domestic market. Therefore, we should aim at the expectation of enterprises and the urgency of the market, strengthen the overall planning and coordination of policies to benefit enterprises, combine phased policies with institutional arrangements, and realize the stability and resilience of private enterprises by means of boosting the confidence of private enterprises in development, creating a fair competition market environment, building a pro Qing government business relationship, unblocking the capital circulation of enterprises, improving the development resilience of private enterprises and guiding the transformation and upgrading of private enterprises, We will continue to give full play to the key role of private enterprises in stabilizing the basic economic situation. Private enterprises can stabilize the basic economic market by giving full play to the scale advantages of market players Up to now, the total number of market players in China has exceeded 150 million, of which private enterprises account for more than half. Promoting the high-quality development of private enterprises can not only expand the number of market players, but also maximize the incremental space of market players by opening up the microcirculation between enterprises, connecting the small cycle between industries and driving the large cycle of the market, tap the systematic potential of the growth of market players and release the huge and lasting development momentum at the micro level, So as to expand the breadth, width and depth of the super large-scale market, and lay a solid foundation for stabilizing market expectations, unblocking market circulation and promoting economic growth. Comprehensive measures to better play the role of private enterprises in stabilizing the economic fundamentals Release policy system dividends and continue to boost enterprise confidence Affected by the intermittent impact of the epidemic and changes in the international development environment, the confidence of private enterprises needs to be boosted. Therefore, we should adhere to the systematic concept and practical standards, strengthen the systematicness and coordination of enterprise related policies, and prevent the tendency of giving consideration to one thing and losing another. Boost the confidence of private enterprises by releasing systematic dividends of enterprise related policies. Enterprise related policies should adhere to a game of chess, fully evaluate the superposition effect of various policies, and avoid the negative effect caused by the superposition of local reasonable policies. We should also avoid the fragmentation of system objectives, and we should not add code layer by layer to prevent policy constraints, decomposition fallacies and contraction effects. Give full play to the joint efforts of finance, taxation, development and reform, industry and information technology, market supervision, statistics and other departments, improve the closed-loop working mechanism of "joint analysis, achievement sharing and continuous improvement", track and supervise and timely "check deficiencies and fill gaps". Unblock the channels of benefiting enterprises and enhancing the real access of enterprises. Strengthen the publicity of the list of typical practices for the reform and development of private enterprises. Optimize the "direct" mechanism of reducing fees and taxes. The "self revolutionary" re combing, re inspection and re optimization of tax reduction and fee reduction services and work links, accelerate the reconstruction of the whole chain service concept, model reconstruction and process reengineering, and promote the policy dividend to reach the market main body with the fastest speed, the greatest strength and the most accurate accuracy. Effectively optimize the development environment and protect the rights and interests of private enterprises. Protect the property rights of private enterprises and the legitimate rights and interests of private entrepreneurs in person and property with the principle of equality and fairness, and create more sense of security for private entrepreneurs to concentrate on their careers. Provide targeted competition advocacy services in the formulation of transaction contracts for small and medium-sized private enterprises, and enhance their awareness of safeguarding their rights. Aim at hidden barriers and maintain the order of fair competition At present, private enterprises still face the problem of insufficient vitality and endogenous power caused by imperfect fair competition mechanism. By strengthening the rigid constraints of fair competition policy, we should try our best to break down the obstacles of system and mechanism, fundamentally break all kinds of "rolling shutter door", "glass door" and "revolving door", and create a fair and orderly market environment. We will do our utmost to relax market access. We will fully implement the negative list system for market access, promote the universal implementation of "entry without prohibition", improve the market-oriented investment and financing mechanism in the field of major infrastructure projects, and support the equal participation of private enterprises. The strongest constraints optimize the policy environment. Strengthen the binding force of fair competition review through random inspection by the competent department of competition policy and third-party review. For policies and measures involving the vital interests of private enterprises, special review shall be carried out to ensure that private enterprises participate in competition fairly and fairly. The best way is to implement fair competition. We will strengthen antitrust law enforcement in key industries and fields such as industrial raw materials, logistics and transportation, and prevent monopoly behavior from increasing the cost pressure on small and medium-sized enterprises. We will improve the legalization of fair competition among small and medium-sized enterprises. Continue to improve the legal effect of the regulations on ensuring the payment of funds to small and medium-sized enterprises, incorporate the information such as the number and amount of contracts for which large enterprises have not paid the funds to small and medium-sized enterprises overdue into the annual report of enterprises, and strengthen social publicity and binding force. We will formulate measures to deal with complaints about ensuring the payment of funds by small and medium-sized enterprises, and strengthen joint punishment for the abuse of market dominant position, overdue occupation and malicious arrears of accounts of small and medium-sized enterprises. We will intensify the special action to clean up the accounts owed to small and medium-sized enterprises. Building a new ecological environment close to Qing Dynasty and building a harmonious relationship between government and business In fact, China's political and business relations still face problems such as the difficulty of distinguishing between public and private, the difficulty of discussing intimacy and estrangement, and the difficulty of distinguishing between clarity and turbidity. In order to get rid of these "stumbling blocks" that hinder normal political and business relations, we must make political and business relations secure their positions, follow their ways and take their place, and finally realize "the beauty of each, the United States and the United States together", so as to jointly provide a strong driving force and a good environment for economic and social development. Build a "negative list" system for political and business exchanges. It is strictly prohibited to be close but unclear, abuse power for personal gain, trade power and money, offer and accept bribes; Prevent the Qing Dynasty from refusing to kiss, being an official, being lazy in government, refusing business and far from business. Promote political and business exchanges with temperature, boundary and bottom line. Build a negative list of government business exchanges, focusing on clarifying the boundaries of government business exchanges, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, creating a clean business atmosphere, and strengthening supervision and guarantee measures. Create a normalization mechanism of "through train of preferential policies for enterprises". We should strengthen communication and consultation with private enterprises and chamber of Commerce, expand the "Internet plus" government service scene, expand the scope of service and enhance service efficiency for private enterprises. Set up a private enterprise service sector and regularly sort out and publish the list of preferential policies for enterprises. Build an institutionalized platform for government enterprise communication and establish a system for private entrepreneurs to participate in major enterprise related policy decisions. Improve the complaint and exemption mechanism of private enterprises. Establish a unified and authoritative complaint mechanism for the demands and rights protection of private enterprises, simplify the complaint process, improve the efficiency of complaint handling, and ensure that the rights and interests of private enterprises are effectively protected when they are damaged. Guide all localities to sort out and launch the corresponding "enterprise related exemption list", so that entrepreneurs can invest at ease, concentrate on entrepreneurship and develop at ease. Innovative institutional ideas and measures to solve the financing problems of private enterprises At present, the capital chain of private enterprises is tight and circular. Affected by the triple pressure of shrinking demand, supply impact and weakening expectation, the capital of enterprises is still tight on the whole. It is necessary to ensure the smooth capital chain of private enterprises from the dimensions of expanding channels, creating tools and building mechanisms. Focus on enhancing capital liquidity and maintain the vitality of market micro cycle. Strengthen the publicity of the list of typical practices for the reform and development of private enterprises, establish a statistical network for "first loan" of small and micro enterprises, urge and guide banking institutions to change the concept of credit support, strengthen the application of credit information, broaden financing docking channels, tilt preferential interest rates, and guide the transformation of financial support from "icing on the cake" for large and medium-sized enterprises to "providing carbon in the snow" for small and micro enterprises, Promote the establishment of a bank enterprise relationship of symbiosis and common prosperity. Reduce various costs in the financing of private enterprises. Regulators should urge relevant financial institutions to resolutely cancel, investigate and deal with all kinds of illegal handling fees, and shall not charge loan commitment fees and fund management fees from private enterprises, so as to reduce the additional fees in the financing process. Improve and optimize the information docking mechanism between private enterprises and financial institutions. Pay close attention to building and improving big data service platforms such as finance, taxation, market supervision, social security, customs and justice, and realize cross-level, cross departmental and cross regional connectivity. Restructure the credit business model and process of private enterprises, develop a separate credit rating model, study and formulate a unified and authoritative inclusive financial credit policy guidance and special system for microfinance review and approval guidance, and establish and improve the microfinance management system. Firmly grasp the "tight, stable and strong" to ensure the safety of the industrial chain of private enterprises The epidemic has intensified the trend of anti globalization. The United States and Japan have successively put forward support policies for the return of manufacturing industry. Private enterprises are facing increasing risks of industrial chain reconstruction such as technology blockade and market closure. Therefore, we should give full play to the development toughness and growth potential of China's super large-scale market, and urge private enterprises to accelerate development and strive to break the situation with the support of domestic large cycle and the support of domestic and international double cycle. Tighten the chain with service. Uphold a more open concept and attitude, create a better business environment, open up weak links, upgrade the business environment infrastructure based on the Internet of things, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, minimize the transaction cost of enterprise system, retain and attract foreign capital, reverse the relocation situation of industrial chain and improve the loosening tendency of industrial chain. Stabilize the chain by mechanism. Make decisions according to the circumstances, avoid the phenomenon of "one size fits all" and "sudden braking" of epidemic prevention policies, improve the flexibility of policy implementation, and promote the effective matching of enterprises in all links of the industry. Build an information service platform to maintain the stability of the industrial chain, ensure the smooth circulation, coordination and stability of the industrial chain, and effectively resolve the industrial chain risks of private enterprises. Strengthen the chain with the market. Relying on the domestic economic cycle to realize "strong market chain". One belt, one road, the other is the "one belt" initiative. The economic value and the global value chain will be effectively linked to the Yangtze River economic belt. Fully tap the potential of strong domestic market and hedge the risks brought to private enterprises by the reconstruction of global industrial chain. To organize the chain. Strengthen guidance, encourage the integrated development of large, medium and small enterprises, and improve the overall anti risk ability of private enterprises. Introduce corresponding measures to urge them to strengthen the coupling between upstream and downstream of the industrial chain through mergers and acquisitions and collective action, and encourage them to use property rights, contracts and other means to improve the degree of integration and enhance the competitiveness of the industrial chain. Driven by leading enterprises, realize goal synergy, resource sharing and market-oriented mechanism, promote cross industry and cross regional integration and complementarity of resource capabilities, and improve industrial synergy efficiency. Comprehensively optimize the system design and guide private enterprises to enhance their innovation ability Private enterprises still face many difficulties and bottlenecks in transformation and upgrading. We should further break the institutional barriers in scientific and technological innovation and guide them to grasp opportunities, practice their internal skills and make a forward-looking layout. Improve the transformation mechanism of innovation achievements of private enterprises. Support private enterprises to take the lead in R & D and transformation of functional platforms

Edit:Huang huiqun    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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