The Ukrainian side said that the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had been cut off, and the Ukrainian and Russian foreign ministers would hold talks on the 10th


Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency reporters abroad: Ukrainian foreign minister kuleba said in a statement on social media on the 9th that the power supply line of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant controlled by the Russian army was damaged, and the nuclear power plant has been completely powered off. Kuleba said on the same day that he would hold talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the 10th. —— Kuleba said that the standby diesel generator of the nuclear power plant will restore power supply to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for 48 hours. After that, the cooling system of the spent nuclear fuel repository of the nuclear power plant will be shut down, which will lead to the risk of nuclear radiation leakage. It is understood that all units of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were shut down at the end of 2000, and the nuclear power plant has stopped generating electricity since then, but there are still about 20000 spent nuclear fuel assemblies in its spent nuclear fuel repository. —— Kuleba said that he did not hold high expectations for the results of the talks with Lavrov, but Ukraine is working hard to achieve results as much as possible. The Ukrainian side's demand is a ceasefire, the liberation of territory and the end of humanitarian disasters. He will discuss with Lavrov the cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. —— Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with leaders of many countries on the 9th to discuss special military operations. Putin successively held telephone conversations with the rotating chairman of the African Union, Senegalese president Salle and Egyptian President Sisi to discuss the special military action taken by Russia. Putin briefed Saleh on the main contents of Russia's special military operations, focusing on the issue of humanitarian corridors. Putin briefed Sisi on the reasons and objectives of Russia's special military action and the negotiations between Russian and Ukrainian representatives. —— According to the Ukrainian President's website, Ukrainian President Zelensky called on Ukraine and Russia to carry out Frank and substantive negotiations on the evening of the 8th. Zelinski said in his video speech, "the war must end. We need to sit at the negotiating table and have a frank, substantive and in line with the interests of the people.". —— Peskov, press secretary of the Russian President, said on the 9th that Russia has always maintained and is always interested in continuing negotiations. Once the Ukrainian negotiators are ready, Russia is interested in starting a new round of contacts. The United States is actually waging an economic war against Russia. The United States is trying to involve the whole world in sanctions against Russia, and Russia needs to "do what is most in its own interests". The Russian government will formulate a list of restrictions on the import and export of raw materials and related products "within a few hours". —— Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman zaharova said at a press conference on the 9th that in the third round of negotiations held on the 7th, the two sides had some consensus on the construction of humanitarian access and the evacuation of civilians. Russia hopes that the next round of negotiations with Ukraine can take a more substantive step forward. Zaharova also said that the purpose of the special military action is to realize the "demilitarization" and "de Nazism" of Ukraine and eliminate the military threat to Russia caused by the development of NATO's military presence on Ukrainian territory. The task of the special military operation does not include the occupation of Ukraine or the overthrow of the current Ukrainian government. At present, about 2 million people have made evacuation requests to Russia, and 140000 people have entered Russia. She called on Uzbekistan to do everything possible to ensure the safe evacuation of civilians. —— Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said on the morning of the 9th that the documents seized by Russia in the special military operation showed that the Ukrainian army had previously formulated a plan for a large-scale attack on Donbas in March this year. On the same day, the website of the Russian Ministry of defense released the photos of the original secret order issued by the commander of the Ukrainian National Guard on January 22 this year. —— According to Ukrainian state news agency, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina veleshuk said at a press conference on the 9th that Ukraine received a written notice from Russia and the International Red Cross on the morning of the 9th and agreed to Ukraine's proposal to open six humanitarian channels before. She said that Ukrainian Prime Minister shimegar called Maurer, chairman of the International Committee of the Red Cross, that morning to confirm his agreement to open humanitarian channels. From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. local time in Kiev, the Ukrainian army will implement a ceasefire on several routes. —— The general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces announced on social media on the 9th that from February 24 to March 9, the Ukrainian army destroyed 317 Russian tanks, 1070 armored vehicles, 120 artillery systems, 28 air defense systems, 56 multiple rocket launchers, 49 fixed wing aircraft, 81 helicopters, 482 motor vehicles, 3 warships, 60 oil tankers and 7 UAVs. —— The general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces also said that the Russian army slowed down the attack speed on the 8th. At present, the Russian army mainly continues to siege Kiev, Kharkov, sume, Chernigov, Mariupol and Nikolayev, and establishes a land channel between the Russian mainland and Crimea. In addition, the Russian army is trying to use Ukraine's existing network of gas stations and oil storage facilities to solve the problem of fuel supply to the troops. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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