Promoting high-quality development while climbing a slope and crossing a barrier -- from the perspective of the two sessions of the National People's Congress


"This year, the risks and challenges facing China's development have increased significantly, and we must climb over the ridge." On May 5, the government work report submitted to the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress for deliberation directly faced the problems and challenges faced by China's development and made arrangements for economic and social development in 2022. The more difficult it is, the more we should strengthen our confidence and do solid work. A series of practical measures have released a clear signal of adhering to the principle of "stability first and seeking progress while maintaining stability", striving to withstand the downward pressure of the economy and promote high-quality development. Stabilize the macro-economic Market With the changes of the century and the epidemic situation of the century, China is facing a more complex, severe and uncertain external environment. Economic development is facing triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shock and weakening expectation. "Strive to stabilize the macro-economic market and keep the economy running within a reasonable range." In the face of new downward pressure, we should put steady growth in a more prominent position. The main tone of stability is more clear—— GDP increased by about 5.5%; More than 11 million new jobs were created in cities and towns, and the urban survey unemployment rate was controlled within 5.5% throughout the year; Consumer prices rose by about 3%; Grain output remained above 1.3 trillion kg Macro policies should be sound and effective, micro policies should continue to stimulate the vitality of market players, structural policies should strive to smooth the circulation of the national economy, science and technology policies should be solidly implemented, reform and opening-up policies should activate the driving force of development, and regional policies should enhance the balance and coordination of development, Social policies should hold the bottom line of people's livelihood... The seven policy orientations form a joint force to promote high-quality development. "Stability is the main tone and stability is the overall situation." Deputy Yu Haitian, Party Secretary of Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said that the task arrangement focused on "stability" and grasped the main contradiction of current development. "Local governments should earnestly shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing the economy, further reduce the burden on market subjects and 'transfuse' the real economy." Deputy Tang Liang, vice chairman of Shanghai Federation of industry and Commerce and chairman of Aosheng group, said: "the report does not hide the difficulties faced by economic development, and lists the ideas and methods to solve them one by one. In particular, many policies' stick to the end 'to let the good go directly to the enterprise." The stable force point is more accurate—— "Implement the new combined tax support policy" and "implement the measures to stabilize employment"... Stabilizing the main body of the market and ensuring employment has become the key direction. "Tax reduction and fee reduction have helped a lot." Zhuo Changli, chairman of Shandong Jinan sunshine eldest sister Service Co., Ltd., said that last year, the government reduced taxes and fees, saved enterprises nearly 10 million yuan, and withstood the huge pressure brought by rising costs and the spread of the epidemic. In the report, the new round of tax reduction and fee reduction arrangements let Zhuo Chang settle down to plan the combination of schools and enterprises and reserve talents for future development. The economy is facing new downward pressure, and the importance of ensuring people's livelihood is more prominent. Huang Huachun, deputy vice president of Chongzuo senior middle school in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, felt "particularly exasperated" when he saw that the report proposed to fully implement the salary and treatment of compulsory education teachers. "The state earnestly sees the difficulties of educators in the central and western regions and border ethnic minority areas and helps us solve practical problems." To stabilize the market, we should not only stick to the main line, but also stick to the bottom line. Ensure food and energy security, prevent and resolve major risks... Many representatives and members said that the series of arrangements in the report reflected the deep consideration of coordinated development and security. Seeking progress while maintaining stability and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern "Get off the ship and get on the ship" -- Guangxi Beibu Gulf port. All kinds of goods travel north and south by sea rail intermodal train, out of the mountain and into the sea. "To withstand the downward pressure, we should no longer follow the old path of extensive development. We should tap the potential and stimulate the driving force in building a new development pattern." Representative Li Yanqiang, Secretary of the Party committee of Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co., Ltd., said, "this year, it is planned to launch 7000 trains of new land and sea routes in the West and strengthen the connection with China Europe trains." To build a new development pattern, the key is to win the development initiative in realizing scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Representative Zeng Qinghong, chairman of GAC group, noted that the report will integrate the in-depth implementation of the innovation driven development strategy and the consolidation and expansion of the foundation of the real economy in one task, and pay more attention to the connection between the innovation chain and the industrial chain. "On the one hand, layout the chip industry, on the other hand, accelerate the research and development of innovative technologies such as vehicle networking, automatic driving and intelligent voice control." Zeng Qinghong said that relying on independent innovation to promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. To build a new development pattern, the focus is to stimulate endogenous power in the smooth circulation of the national economy. Representative ran Hui, Secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of tianshanbao village, Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Chongqing, has always paid attention to the infrastructure construction in ethnic minority areas. "By opening up the traffic jam, the beautiful scenery of Wuling mountain area will be more presented to tourists, and the characteristic agricultural products such as alpine vegetables will also go out of the mountain. The prospect of Rural Revitalization is getting better and better." Adhere to the supply side structural reform as the main line, firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, open up all links of production, distribution, circulation and consumption, and release the huge potential development space of regions, urban and rural areas - a series of arrangements focus on unblocking the economic cycle and improving the overall efficiency of the economic system. According to representative Xu Juehui, general manager of Shanghai Port International Passenger Transport Center Development Co., Ltd., under the influence of the epidemic, the international supply chain system is facing great challenges. The top priority is to continuously improve the resilience of hub ports and ensure the stability of the supply chain. "It is suggested to speed up the construction of inland and sea channels to ensure the stability of the supply chain through river sea intermodal transport." Grasp the initiative to anchor high-quality development without relaxation The total number of market players and the density of entrepreneurship rank first in China, and the R & D investment of the whole society accounts for 5.46%. Last year, Shenzhen's GDP exceeded 3 trillion yuan for the first time. The construction of the leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been steadily promoted, and the characteristics of high-quality development are more distinctive. Deputy Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said: "we will fully release the favorable policies of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area, the first demonstration area and the two cooperation zones of Hengqin and Qianhai, and make efforts to reform, open up and innovate to turn danger into opportunity." The Pudong New Area of Shanghai, which is building a leading area for socialist modernization, has a strong spring of reform and development: 22 integrated circuit projects have been settled in the Lingang New Area of Shanghai free trade zone; Docking with RCEP agreement, the world's largest domestic heavy mining vehicle signed export lease contract "Adhere to bold trials, bold breakthroughs and independent reform, and strive to make efforts in the integration of reform, open system and innovative policy source." Deputy Zhu Zhisong, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai municipal Party committee and Secretary of the Pudong New Area District Party committee, said. The more severe and complex the development environment is, the more we must unswervingly deepen reform and expand opening-up—— Reform does not stop. The report proposes to fully implement the stock issuance registration system. "The continuous improvement and promotion of the registration system provides strong support for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and 'specialized, special and new' enterprises." Representative Zhu Jiandi, chairman of Lixin certified public accountants, said. Opening does not stop. Representative Huang maoxing, President of the Comprehensive Research Institute of Fujian free trade zone of Fujian Normal University, said that we should pay close attention to high-level opening-up platforms such as the pilot free trade zone and Hainan free trade port, strengthen "system integration" and make reform and innovation measures more effective. The heavier the task of development, the more necessary it is to maintain strategic concentration and patience and fight steadily—— The "double carbon" goal concerns the overall development situation. He Lifeng, director of the national development and Reform Commission, said: "to promote 'double carbon', we must play a game of chess across the country. We should pay attention to strategies and methods, correctly handle the relationship between the present and the future, long-term goals and short-term goals, the overall and local situation, stand first and then break down, advance steadily, and make continuous efforts for a long time." "While ensuring the stable supply of coal, Shanxi will accelerate the clean utilization of coal and promote the transformation of green and low-carbon." Deputy Li Jinping, director of the Shanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said. The more difficult problems we face in development, the more scientific planning and overall consideration are needed—— The grass-roots line is connected with thousands of stitches. "Economic growth, improvement of people's livelihood, ecological environmental protection and social governance... With heavy tasks and many goals, we must adhere to systematic thinking and answer every 'must answer question'." Deputy Yu Huiwen, Secretary of the Yubei District Party committee of Chongqing, was deeply touched. "High quality development should seek the optimal solution among multiple objectives." Member Zhang Zhanbin, President of the Marxism school of the Central Party School (National Academy of administration), said that we should keep in mind the "big country" and promote steady qualitative and quantitative growth of the economy based on national conditions and reality. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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